©R. York Moore 2006 Provide integrated Gospel and Kingdom theological training Conduct evangelism efforts with Kingdom-oriented application Seek laterally- empowered multi- ethnic teams How to Maintain Positive Results Gospel MessageKingdom Message Marginalized Ideology Transformative Dynamism #1 How to Maintain Positive Results Gives us access to personal salvation Allows the individual to be transformed Provides escape from Hell Provides relationship with God Personal spheres are transformed Allows for corporate redemption Justice and freedom is established Provides escape from downward spiral Provides evidence of Gods power Corporate spheres are transformed Dichotomization of personal salvation from global responsibility Self-centered metaphysic Skewed doctrinal preoccupation Comfort with corporate brokenness Extending historical injustices Dichotomization of global responsibility from personal salvation Activist metaphysic Skewed preoccupation with justice Comfort with individual brokenness Lack of evangelistic activity Evangelism is seen as irrelevant or peripheral The lostness of people isnt taught No/few eschatological concerns No social action Monoculturalism Excessive emphasis on Jesus as our personal savior Provide integrated Gospel and Kingdom theological training Conduct social-action ministry with an opportunity for people to receive Christ. Seek out and empower evangelists Red Flag Indicators
©R. York Moore 2006 Try to do evangelism multi- ethnically Empower others to lead-avoid ethnic diversity at bottom and middle only Take time to celebrate others and corporate milestones How to Maintain Positive Results Racial ReconciliationMulti-Ethnicity Cyclical Barrenness Transformative Dynamism #2 How to Maintain Positive Results Makes the Gospels claims believable Removes hindrances to evangelism Demonstrates the authenticity of the Spirits work Paves the way for Kingdom work Heals the personal and corporate heart Fulfills the vision of God (e.g. Rev. 7) Empowers the Church to reach the nations Makes life abundant and fulfilling Relationships mature us, making us more complete Journeying without hope Stagnating relationships Little or no external relevancy Increasing mistrust and defeatism Over-glorification of issues of race No depth to relationships Ethnic minorities are not empowered Mistrust and resentment No different from secular tolerance Over-glorification of issues of ethnicity I dont see you as___ (e.g. Black); under- appreciation of race Failing to celebrate differences Tolerant atmosphere Lack of dialogue and learning No evangelistic energy or passion Race discussions blow up or are avoided frequently Tiring in process Provide integrated teaching and experiences that continue the reconciliation journey Avoid an Im there mentality Continue to ask, Whats next? or Who else can we include? Red Flag Indicators
©R. York Moore 2006 Integrate theology and doctrine in evangelism and evangelism training Integrate the spiritual disciplines organizationally and individually Study from different faith vantage points How to Maintain Positive Results Doctrinal AcuitySpiritual Engagement Red Flag Indicators Corporate Fragmentation Transformative Dynamism #3 How to Maintain Positive Results Protects from heresy and the enemy Demonstrates the truth of the Gospel Gives clarity about God and the nature of His promises Intellectual worship Confronts and overcomes spiritual strongholds Demonstrates the power of the Gospel Protects us from sin, apathy, and ineffectiveness Allows us to know God experientially Over-emphasis and reliance on human intelligence Judgmental of others less acute or with other doctrinal persuasions Inward focused-lack of action Prone to overstate the knowable Extreme openness to ideas and spiritual forces Lack of discernment and theological understanding Judgmental of others less spiritual Prone to over-spiritualize things Anti-intellectual sentiment Preoccupation with spiritual ecstaticism or warfare at the expense of evangelism Lack of accreditation Anti-experiential sentiment Preoccupation with knowledge at the expense of evangelism Over-emphasis on accreditation Focus on theological acuity in the Gospel and evangelism Integrate theological study organizationally and individually Study from different faith vantage points Red Flag Indicators
©R. York Moore 2006 Integrate theology and doctrine in evangelism and evangelism training Integrate the spiritual disciplines organizationally and individually Study from different faith vantage points How to Maintain Positive Results ModernityPostmodernity Red Flag Indicators Solipsistic Perpetuation Transformative Dynamism #4 How to Maintain Positive Results Protects from heresy and the enemy Demonstrates the truth of the Gospel Gives clarity about God and the nature of His promises Intellectual worship Confronts and overcomes spiritual strongholds Demonstrates the power of the Gospel Protects us from sin, apathy, and ineffectiveness Allows us to know God experientially Over-emphasis and reliance on human intelligence Judgmental of others less acute or with other doctrinal persuasions Inward focused-lack of action Prone to overstate the knowable Extreme openness to ideas and spiritual forces Lack of discernment and theological understanding Judgmental of others less spiritual Prone to over-spiritualize things Anti-intellectual sentiment Preoccupation with spiritual ecstaticism or warfare at the expense of evangelism Lack of accreditation Anti-experiential sentiment Preoccupation with knowledge at the expense of evangelism Over-emphasis on accreditation Focus on theological acuity in the Gospel and evangelism Integrate theological study organizationally and individually Study from different faith vantage points Red Flag Indicators