Hatshepsut 1.Reigned as pharaoh from 1503 to At first, she reigned with her husband, Thutmose II, who was also her half brother. Yes, incest was common among the royal family. One didn’t want to let good blood out among the rest of society. 3.Her stepson wanted power after Thutmose II died, but Hatshepsut claimed power. This angered Thutmose III, and after Hatshepsut’s death he tried to have her name stricken from all monuments and records.
Amonhotep IV 1.He attempted to bring a large social change in the form of Monotheism, which means worship of one God. 2.Claimed that Aton, the sun disk god, was the only God, and changed his name to Akhenaton. 3.Moved the capital city to Akhetaton, a city created to honor Aton. 4.The priests of Amon-Re didn’t like this change, because they would have been out of a job and broke. The Egyptian people also hated this change, and not long after Akhenaton died the priests of Amon-Re regained their power. Polytheism was back in place.
Pharaoh 1.The most powerful pharaoh was Ramses II, who reigned from 1279 to After he died, Egypt slipped into decline and soon the New Kingdom finished after many invading nations took power. 3.It wasn’t until the 300s BCE that Egypt was again ruled by Egyptians.
Social Classes 1.Socially classes were rigidly divided. 2.Poor people could earn money and have a nice life, but never entered the upper class. 3.Women had many legal rights. They could own their own property and were, socially, as important as their husbands. 4.It was better to be an Egyptian woman than a woman of neighboring cultures.
Architecture and the Arts 1.Sphinx – Near Giza, 4500 years old, and represented an ancient sun god. 2.Great Pyramid at Giza – Almost 5000 years old, and its base covers 13 acres. 3.Decorated many buildings with scenes from everyday life.
Scientific Advances 1.Developed a calendar with 12 months and 30 days in each month. The final five days were used for celebration. It was also based on the Nile. 2.Didn’t know years as 2150 BCE, instead called years, for example, the 20 th year of Ramses II. 3.Learned much about the human body, and applied this knowledge towards mummification and treating illnesses.
Important Gods 1.Amon-Re, the sun god. 2.Osiris, the god of the Nile. 3.Isis, wife and sister of Osiris, and goddess of fertility. 4.Aton, although once worshipped exclusively, was not an important god.
Death 1.The human body must be preserved so when the soul reaches the body across the river of death, the body will be recognized. 2.To do this, they utilize mummification. 3.Riches were added to the tombs in proportion to how important the person was. Because of this, tombs were frequently raided.