TRAINING SOS What you wish you would have known before your first training event…
N OT ALL P ARTICIPANTS A RE AS E XCITED AS I AM ABOUT TODAY ’ S TRAINING Setting a positive environment even before they walk in the lab Communication is key Ice Breakers gone bad More time prepping = better training Dealing with grumpy people Candy is helpful – chocolate works best
T ECHNOLOGY GREMLINS Establish an on-site technology contact Don’t assume that everyone knows common web surfing terms like address bar, mouse, click, button, etc Assure the technophobic that this will be a stress-free experience Give them an SOS signal to use if needed Another plug for chocolate here
GIVE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT Ask at the beginning what they were hoping to learn today Have a solid plan for training, but be flexible enough to meet the needs of the audience Be thoughtful with the take away materials – make sure they are useful Give examples of implementation strategies that have worked for you or ask others to share Did I mention chocolate???
W RAPPING UP Be mindful of the stop time Be thankful for their participation Offer follow-up Leave your contact info Follow-up
H OW DID IT GO ? Online evaluations Don’t take the “too cold, no snacks” comments to heart Use eval data for program management & direction Rate this training eventAssessing for Success