PROFESIONAL ORG [edit] Professional organizationsedit is an Italian association of information & communication technology companies and an affiliate of Confindustria.ItalianConfindustria The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) was founded in 1947 as the world's first scientific and educational computing society. [1]Association for Computing Machinery 1947[1] The Australian Computer Society (ACS) is an association for information & communications technology (ICT) professionals in Australia.Australian Computer Society Australia The Australian Information Industry Association is the national organisation representing ICT companies in Australia. [2]Australian Information Industry Association[2] The British Computer Society (BCS) is the largest UK-based professional body representing those working in IT.British Computer SocietyUK
PROFESIONAL ORG The Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) is the largest professional body for computing in Canada.Canadian Information Processing SocietyCanada The Computer Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers Association of the Philippines (COMDDAP) is an association of leading information technology businesses in the Philippines.COMDDAPPhilippines The Computer Society of India (CSI) is the national body representing computer professionals in India.Computer Society of IndiaIndia The Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS) is a non-profit organisation that promotes high standards among informatics professionals across Europe. [3]CEPISEurope[3] The Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) is an industry trade group for most of the world's major ICT companies.Information Technology Association of America industry trade group The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) is an association of Indian IT companies.NASSCOM
PROFESIONAL ORG The New Zealand Computer Society (NZCS) is the national body representing ICT professionals in New ZealandNew Zealand Computer SocietyNew Zealand The Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) is an association of Philippine IT companies.Philippine Software Industry Association The is Armenia's first and largest IT association. [4]Armenia[4] The Professional Computer Association (PCA), Lebanon, is an association for information & communications technology (ICT) professionals.[5][5]