Egyptians and Religion. What are the two most important things that Egyptians believed about the pharaoh? What are nobles? Who was the vizier? What %


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Presentation transcript:

Egyptians and Religion

What are the two most important things that Egyptians believed about the pharaoh? What are nobles? Who was the vizier? What % of Egyptians were at the bottom of the hierarchy? What are natural walls and why are they important?

Worshipping gods was a DAILY part of Egyptian life. Temples were built all over Egypt for the purpose of honoring their gods. Egyptian gods were thought to represent things like the sun, sky and earth. Many Egyptian gods were a mixture of human and animal forms.

The jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife. Protected the dead in their journey to the afterlife.

God of the afterlife and the underworld. He was classically depicted as a green-skinned man with a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing a distinctive crown with two large ostrich feathers at either side, and holding a symbolic crook and flail.

The mother goddess. One of the most powerful of all the gods

The Sun God All forms of life were believed to have been created by Ra, who called each of them into existence by speaking their secret names.

God of war, sky, and protection. Horus was often the ancient Egyptians' national god. He was usually depicted as a falcon-headed man.

The lioness goddess of war.

Goddess of cats, Lower Egypt and the moon.

 Egyptians thought that the afterlife was an ideal world where all people were young and healthy.  The KA was the life force of a human and when a person died, the KA became a spirit.  In the afterlife, the KA remained linked to the body and could not leave the burial place.  It is this belief that led the Egyptians to believe in mummification!