Biggs’ Constructive Alignment: Evaluation of a Pedagogical Model Applied to a Web Course
Evidence Based Practice “Deep Learning” occurs when: Faculty/Student contact encouraged Student cooperation encouraged Active learning is encouraged Students get prompt feedback Time on task encouraged High expectations communicated Diverse ways of learning respected
The Challenge If I’m your student, what do I have to do to convince you that I’m where you want me to be at the end of this lesson (module, degree program)?
Constructivist Pedagogy Learner Characteristics
Bloom's Taxonomy Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
SOLO Taxonomy: Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes Prestructural Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract
Constructive Alignment Constructivism as a framework with the learner's activities as central in creating meaning. The instructional designer’s emphasis on the relationship between the learning objectives and the targets for assessing student performance.
The "performances of understanding" nominated in the objectives are used to systematically align the teaching methods and the assessment. Constructive Alignment
Botany 431: A Case Study 1. Instructional Experiences Assigned Readings Peer Group Discussion Personal Reflection
Botany 431: A Case Study 2. Assessment Portfolios Learning Journals Take Home Exams
Botany 431: A Case Study 3. Constraints & Resources Distance Delivery Teaching Assistant
Course Evaluation Background and Generic Skills Class of eight students No prior distance ed experience Format helped learning Helped independent learning Time management skills Good use of technology
Pedagogical Background Material on course philosophy useful, but in retrospect SOLO Taxonomy a good model for written work but feedback more valuable Learning journal material very helpful Course Evaluation
Desirable future changes: Reduced workload More frequent feedback More texts on reserve Include a lab Provide class notes TA with physiology background
Desirable features to be retained: Camaraderie & size of the group Learning objectives SOLO Taxonomy Esme's (Chat Room) Instructors understanding Course Evaluation
Instructor's Evaluation Reduce workload More frequent feedback Success of the SOLO Taxonomy Success of Learning Journals Expand use of on-line Seminar
courses.hp/bot431.hp/ bot431hp.html Home Pages
Kinds of Knowledge Functioning Conditional DeclarativeProcedural