Forensic Databases Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) Fingerprint and criminal history system for 50 million subjects Operational since 1999. Maintained by the FBI An examiner makes a digital image of the print with a camera or scanner, marks points on the print to guide the computerized search. Search is completed within minutes against all images in IAFIS
CODIS Combined DNA Index System Became fully operational in 1998; maintained by the FBI All 50 states have legislated that DNA profiles of those convicted of felony sexual offenses be stored in database.
CODIS Forensic Index contains 110,000 DNA profiles from unsolved crimes Offender Index contains profiles of nearly 3 million convicted offenders Hundreds of thousands are backlogged Success in identifying perpetrators is due to the fact that most crimes involving biological evidence are committed by repeat offenders
NIBIN National Integrated Ballistics Information network Maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Images of bullets and cartridge casings Helps produce a short list of candidates for a firearms examiner to manually compare More that 10,000 “hits” have been recorded
PDQ International Forensic Automotive Paint Data Query Maintained by Royal Canadian Mounted Police Contains chemical and color information pertaining to original automotive paints
Glass Evidence Database contains more than 700 glass samples from manufacturers, distributors, and vehicle junkyards cannot determine the source of an unknown piece of glass can assess the relative frequency that two glass samples from different sources would have the same elemental profile Uses plasma mass specs
TreadMark and SoleMate commercial product that uses four parameters—pattern, size, damage, and wear compared to suspects in custody and crime scenes SoleMate contains manufacturer, date of market release, an image or offset print of the sole, and pictorial images of the uppers
SICAR Shoeprint Image Capture and Retrieval Commercially available – not controlled by a government agency. Helps match crime-scene foot ware impression with a particular shoe manufacturer.
TreadMate Contains more than 5,000 vehicle tires and tread patterns manufacturer, date of release, pictorial image, pattern features code for patterns: waves, lines, diamonds, zigzags, curves, and blocks
FISH Forensic Information System for Handwriting Maintained by the U.S. Secret Service enables document examiners to scan and digitize text writings such as threatening correspondence plotted as arithmetic and geometric values
International Ink Library Maintained by the U.S. Secret Service and the IRS includes more than 9,500 inks dating back from the 1920’s pen and ink manufacturers are asked to submit their new ink formulations chemically tested and added to the reference collection
Drug Databases Indent-A-Drug PharmInfoNet RxList private company publishes a book and computer program to help identify drugs in tablet or capsule form PharmInfoNet contains information on prescription druges, included uses, marketing and availability, and common side effects RxList database of prescription drugs like PharmInfoNet
Ignitable Liquids Reference Collection (ILRC) allows a laboratory to isolate an ignitable liquid of interest designed for screening purposes only does not replace American Standard Testing Materials enter name of the liquid and can search the database
ChemFinder contains information from manufacturers on chemicals chemical structures physical properties hyperlinks