Powerpoint Pizzaz!
Table of Contents: Linking to a WebPageAdding Narration Linking to a DocumentSlide Show Set Up Linking to Another SlideWord Art Adding PicturesShortcuts Adding Video/AudioPrinting Adding Animation Adding Transitions Customized Backgrounds
Linking to a Web Page 1.Position the cursor in the desired slide 2.Type in the text related to the link 3.Highlight the text for the link 4.Click on the globe/link icon in the tool bar 5.Type in or copy and paste the address of the desired web page 6.Click on OK Return to Table of Contents
Linking to a Web Page Try these links as samples: e.html
Linking to a Document 1.Position the cursor in the desired slide 2.Type in the text related to the link 3.Highlight the text for the link 4.Click on the globe/link icon in the tool bar 5.Navigate to the desired document or file 6.Click on the name of the desired file 7.Click OK Return to Table of Contents
Linking to a Another Slide 1.Position the cursor in the desired slide 2.Type in the text related to the link 3.Highlight the text for the link 4.Click on the globe/link icon in the tool bar 5.Click on Place in This Document 6.Click on the Desired Slide 7.Click OK NOTE: remember to put a link on the destination slide BACK to the original slide Return to Table of Contents
Adding Pictures to a Presentation 1.Position the mouse pointer in the slide in which the picture is to be inserted 2.Click on Insert in the Menu Bar 3.Click on Picture 4.Click on From File (or clipart) 5.Navigate to the folder containing the picture 6.Click on the desired picture 7.Click on Insert 8.Format the picture (resize, move, crop, color, etc.) as desired Return to Table of Contents
Adding Video or Sound Files To add video or sound files to a slide from a file 1.Select the desired slide 2.Click on Insert in the menu bar 3.Select Insert Movies and Sounds 4.Select Movie from File or Sound from File 5.Search for the Movie or Sound to be inserted 6.Click on the icon of the Movie or Sound to be inserted 7.Click OK 8.If the video or audio should start automatically when the slide displays click on “yes”, if the media should start on a mouse click, click on “no” Return to Table of Contents
Adding Animation to a Slide Show To animate slides in a slide show 1.Click on the slide to be animated 2.Click on Slide Show in the menu bar 3.Click on Custom Animation 4.Click to select the text or object to be animated 5.Click on Add Effect and select the desired effect 6.Click on the Start drop-down arrow to select the start of the animation 7.Click on the Direction drop-down arrow to select the direction of the animation 8.Click on the Speed drop-down arrow to select the speed of the animation NOTE: to change anything in the animation click the drop-down arrow next to the animation number Return to Table of Contents
Adding Transitions to a Slide Show To add transitions (animations between slides) to a slide show: 1.Click on the desired slide 2.Click on Slide Show in the menu bar 3.Click on Slide Transition 4.Scroll through the Slide Transition listing and select the desired transition 5.Set the transition speed (slow, medium, fast) using the Speed drop-down arrow 6.Set the transition to be either automatic at a timed interval or on mouse click 7.Select an accompanying sound if desired Return to Table of Contents
Creating Customized Backgrounds Click on Format in the Menu Bar Click on Background Select Fill Effects Note the tabs across the top of this window: Gradient, Texture, Pattern Picture Click on Texture and click on a desired texture background to select it Click on Apply to add the background to a single slide or Apply to All to add it to all slides To change the texture to a Gradient repeat steps 1 – 3, then select the Gradient tab Select two colors Choose the colors Select the shading style and click on OK Click on Apply or Apply to All Return to Table of Contents Return to Table of Contents
Sources of Free PowerPoint Backgrounds/Templates grounds.html grounds.html ate.htm ate.htm
Adding Narration to a Slide Narration can be added to an entire PowerPoint presentation or to each individual slide. To record narration: Click on the slide to begin the narration Click on Slide Show in the Menu Bar Click on Record Narration Click on Set Microphone Level to test the microphone volume settings Click on OK Click on button to record on current slide or first slide Begin narration To end narration hit the ESCape key to end narration and end slide show.Return to Table of ContentsReturn to Table of Contents
Setting Up an Independent Slide Show PowerPoint presentations can be set up to run as stand alone presentations controlled either by mouse clicks or by timed settings. To set up an independent slide show controlled by mouse clicks: Click on Slide Show in the Menu Bar Click on Set Up Show Click on Presented by Speaker in the Show Type area Click on Manually in the Advance Slides Area Click OK Return to Table of Contents
Setting Up an Independent Slide Show To set up an independent continuously looping slide show controlled by automatic timings: Click on Slide Show in the Menu Bar Click on Set Up Show Click on Presented by Speaker in the Show Type area Click on Loop Continuously until ESC in the Show Options area Click on Use Timings if Present in the Advance Slides Area Click OK NOTE: be sure to set the timing of slides to a reasonable length for viewing. To do so click on Slide Show, Slide Transition and set the Advance Slide area to Automatically After… the selected amount of time.
PowerPoint Across the Curriculum Sample Slideshows: Math Science Social Studies Others More Others
Powerpoint Advanced Features
Using Word Art To add Word Art to a slide: 1.Turn on the Drawing Toolbar (click on View in the menu bar, click on Toolbars, click on Drawing) 2.Click on the Word Art icon in the Drawing Toolbar 1.Click on the desired Word Art style and click on OK 2.Type the desired text 3.Click OK Return to Table of Contents
The Drawing Toolbar 1.Alignment/Grouping/Shape selector button 2.Selector arrow 3.Free rotate button 4.Shape gallery 5.Lines 6.Arrows 7.Squares/Rectangles 8.Circles/Ovals 9.Text box 9.Insert Word Art 10.Insert Clip Art 11.Background Color 12.Border Color 13.Text Color 14.Border width 15.Border Style 16.Arrow style 17.Shadow effects 18.3-D effects
The Word Art Toolbar 1.Insert Word Art 2.Edit Text 3.Word Art Gallery of Styles 4.Background/Border color 5.Word Art Shapes 6. Free Rotate Button 7. Same Letter Height Button 8. Vertical Text 9. Text Alignment 10. Text Spacing Button
Manipulating Word Art 1.Change Word Art Shape – click on the word art image to select it, click on the word art shape selector icon. Click on the desired shape. Note: Some word art shapes are “pliable” – that is you may adjust the arc or curve on them. If a shape is pliable a yellow diamond handle will appear on the word art. To adjust the curve of the word art, click on the yellow diamond and drag it to the desired arc or curve. 2.Rotate Text – click on the free rotate text button to adjust the “tilt” or rotation of word art text 3.Make Letters Same Height – click on the same letter height button 4.Make Text Vertical – click on the vertical text button 5.Align Text – to center, left align, right align or justify text click on the text align button and select the desired alignment 6.Adjust Letter Spacing – click on the text spacing button
Manipulating Word Art 1.Resize word art – click on the word art image to select it, then use the mouse to point at one of the ‘handles’ surrounding the word art. Drag the handle to enlarge the word art or make it smaller. Note: using any of the corner handles will resize the word art while retaining the proportions of the image. 2.Edit Text – click on the edit text button to change or correct text in word art 3.Change the Word Art Style – click on the word art gallery of styles icon to select a different word art style 4.Change Background Color – click on the format word art icon in the word art toolbar. Click on the Colors and Lines tab. Click the drop- down arrow next to colors and select the desired color. (Select Fill Effects to initiate color shadings and gradients.) Click the drop down arrow for lines to select border color, style and width.
PowerPoint Shortcuts Text Highlighting Shortcuts To highlight: Word – double click on the word Paragraph – triple click on the paragraph Sentence – hold ctrl and click within the sentence All text in a frame – click on the border of the frame All text on a slide – click on the slide (but NOT within an object frame) hold ctrl + a to select all All slides within a presentation – click on the outline pane and hold ctrl + a to select all slides Return to Table of Contents
More PowerPoint Shortcuts 1.Duplicate Slides – display the slide to be duplicated. Click on Insert in the menu bar, select Duplicate slide. The new slide will be inserted AFTER the selected slide. 2.Sorting Slides: click on the slide sorter view icon, click and drag the desired slide(s) to the new location. Click on the normal view icon to continue working on the slide presentation.
More PowerPoint Shortcuts 3.Insert Slides from Another Presentation – Option 1: To copy and paste slides from one presentation to another: In the slide panel to the left of the slide display on the screen click on the slide to be copied. Click on the copy icon or hit the Ctrl and C keys In the destination PowerPoint presentation click in the slide display panel on the left in the position for the new slide to be pasted Paste the desired slide by using the Paste icon or hitting the Ctrl and V keys.
More PowerPoint Shortcuts 3. Insert Slides from Another Presentation – Option 2: Click on Insert in the menu bar Select Slides from Files Click on the Browse button to navigate to the file to copy from. Click on the name of the file to copy from, click OK. Click on the slide(s) to copy and click on the insert button or click insert all to insert all the slides from the presentation.
More PowerPoint Shortcuts 4. Hiding Slides Sometimes you may not want to use all the slides in a PowerPoint for a particular presentation, but you don’t want to remove the slides. In this situation simply hide the slide: RIGHT click on the desired slide in the slide display on the left side of the screen. Left click on Hide Slide A diagonal arrow will appear in the slide number indicating that when the slide show is run the slide will not be displayed. To Unhide a slide RIGHT click on the desired slide and select Hide Slide and the diagonal arrow in the slide number will disappear. NOTE: a hidden slide WILL print out when printing slides!
Printing A Slide Presentation 1)Click on File, Page Setup to confirm settings prior to printing 2)Set the slide size 3)Set the slide orientation, portrait or landscape Return to Table of Contents
Printing A Slide Presentation 1)Click on File, Print 2)Select the Printer for the output 3) Select the range of slides to be printed 4)Indicate the number of copies to be printed 5) Indicate what is to be printed (slides, notes, handouts) 6)Indicate print level (grayscale, black/white) 7)Indicate whether to print hidden slides
Talking Text – word Click on View in the Menu Bar Click on Toolbars Click on Reviewing Click on Toolbar Option Click on Add or Remove Buttons Click on Reviewing Select Insert Voice Icon Talking Text
Using Talking Text in Word: Highlight the desired text Click on Insert Voice Icon Click on red button to begin record Record narration Click on black square to end recording Double click on speaker icon for playback
Powerpoint = Pizzazz! Click below for video