Otwell Middle
The following is a list of traits and work habits that students are expected to exhibit. ◦ Strong organizational skills ◦ Motivation to complete all work on time and to advanced standards ◦ Initiative to complete makeup work ◦ High level reasoning/thinking skills ◦ Advanced communication skills ◦ Strong time management skills ◦ Advanced ability for skill set ◦ Ability to maintain a “fast pace” in course ◦ Positive attitude for learning
6 th Grade ◦ Language Arts ◦ Math ◦ Social Studies
7 th Grade ◦ Language Arts ◦ Math ◦ Science ◦ Social Studies
8 th Grade ◦ Language Arts ◦ Math ◦ Social Studies ◦ Science ( Physical Science is a high school credit course.)
Students will study, discuss, research and be held accountable for learning advanced concepts in these classes. Their studies will be more rigorous and in-depth and broader in scope when compared to on-level classes. Students will be engaged in more and higher level writing assignments throughout the school year. (Higher Level = Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation of concepts studied.)
Students will be engaged more in work and studies outside of class. Students will be engaged in more inquiry- based and project-based learning. Students can expect to collaborate and work in teams, as well as work independently as a self-motivated learner.
Language Arts (6 th - 8 th ) ◦ Accelerated pace of curriculum ◦ Higher level questioning on assessments ◦ Extended grammar concepts ◦ Writing assignments throughout the year ◦ Research projects ◦ 4-5 novels per year ◦ Participation in Writing and Speech Competitions Students do not have to enter the contest, but must participate in the process.)
Advanced Math (6 th -8 th ) ◦ Complete current grade’s curriculum + several chapters of next grade’s curriculum ◦ Homework nightly ◦ Math based projects
Accelerated Math (7 th & 8 th ) ◦ Fast pace requires more complex and rigorous content at a younger age ◦ 1 ½ years of Math curriculum in one school year ◦ New concepts every day ◦ Task based/student directed learning where teacher facilitates ◦ One hour of homework every night ◦ Students will finish high school Math curriculum at the end of Sophomore year ◦ Summer review packet due on the first day of school
Science (7 th - 8 th ) ◦ Accelerated pace of curriculum ◦ Higher level questioning on assessments ◦ Assessments often include lengthy written response questions ◦ Participation in eCYBERMISSION research project
To supplement the learning of students who have been identified as gifted or advanced, there is a nine- week Connections class tied to Central’s STEM program. Students will be offered this course once during their three years at OMS. We do not guarantee that this will secure a position for a student in the STEM program.
Social Studies (6 th – 8 th ) ◦ Accelerated pace of curriculum ◦ Higher level questioning on assessments ◦ Writing assignments throughout the year ◦ Standards based projects ◦ Small group and large group discussions and presentations ◦ Curriculum based independent novel studies 7 th grade: 2-3 per year 8 th grade: 1 per year
With the challenge and rigor associated with advanced studies courses, students may have to work harder than they ever have before in their studies. They may not always make an A or B. Advanced studies courses do carry a heavier work load than on-level courses. All students are expected to complete work to advanced content expectations, turn things in on time, check itslearning when absent, and maintain a strong work ethic.
For students whose parents have waived them into an advanced course, they may not drop until the end of the first semester. The grade from the advanced course does transfer. For students who have been inaccurately recommended, a teacher may request a drop at any time first semester. Advanced courses may not be dropped during the second semester of school.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss any questions you may have about advanced courses at Otwell Middle. ◦ Mrs. Beth Holder, Assistant Principal X Ms. Melissa Sessa, Program Coordinator x