Mountain View College Spring 2008 CCSSE Results Community College Survey of Student Engagement 2008 Findings
Overview CCSSE: What is it? MVC Cohort & Comparison Groups Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice Educational Support Full-time vs Part-time Students CCFSSE Using CCSSE Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE: What is it? The CCSSE survey instrument captures student engagement as a measure of institutional quality. Student engagement, or the amount of time and energy that students invest in meaningful educational practices, is the foundation for CCSSE’s work. Community College Leadership Program at UT- Austin CCSSE validation research shows that CCSSE is measuring institutional practices and student behaviors that matter Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE: What is it? A Tool for Improvement - CCSSE helps us: Assess quality in community college education Identify and learn from good educational practice Identify areas in which we can improve Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE: MVC Cohort Students Representative sample of 10% of Spring 2008 credit students 38% - Native language is not English 39% - Fathers are not HS graduates 58% - Major source to pay for college is their own income/savings Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE: Comparison Groups The 2008 CCSSE Cohort: 343,000 community college students from 585 institutions US and Canada HSI/HACU Cohort: 16,800 students from 26 community colleges in seven states Other DCCCD Cohort: 5,600 students from BHC, CVC, ECC, EFC, NLC, & RLC MVC 2005 Cohort: 496 students Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE 2008 Benchmark Findings
CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice The five CCSSE benchmarks include 38 engagement items from the CCSSE survey: Reflect many of the most important aspects of the student experience Practices and behaviors are powerful contributors to effective teaching, learning, student success/retention Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice The five CCSSE benchmarks are: Active and Collaborative Learning Student Effort Academic Challenge Student-Faculty Interaction Support for Learners Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice Benchmark Score Calculation: 1. Survey items are rescaled so they are all on same scale of 0 to 1 2. Scores for all benchmark items are averaged 3. Standardized so that the national cohort respondents’ scores have a mean of MVC’s benchmark scores are relative to the national cohort Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice CCSSE Mountain View College 2008 Benchmark Scores 50 is the national average Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice MVC 2008 cohort scored higher than the MVC 2005 cohort in: Active and Collaborative Learning Academic Challenge Student-Faculty Interaction MVC 2008 cohort scored higher than the DCCCD, HSI/HACU, and National cohorts in: Support for Learners Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice Active and Collaborative Learning Cohort Comparison Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice Active and Collaborative Learning Benchmark CCSSE Items: 4a. Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions 4b. Made a class presentation 4f. Worked with other students on projects during class 4g. Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare class assignments Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice Active and Collaborative Learning Benchmark CCSSE Items: (continued) 4h. Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) 4i. Participated in a community-based project as a part of a regular course 4r. Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with others outside of class Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
CCSSE 2008 Educational Support Findings
Educational Support Services Items that contribute this area include: 9. How much does this college emphasize each of the following? (b, c, d, e, f) 10. How many hours do you spend each week doing the following? (c) 12. How much has your experience at this college contributed to your knowledge & skills in? (h, k, n, o) 13. How often, how satisfied, how important are you with the following services? (a – k) Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Use and Value of Educational Support Services OftenRarely/never Academic advising/planning15%36% Career counseling9% +48% - Job placement assistance2%45% - Peer or other tutoring6%47% Skill labs (writing, math, etc.)15%39% + Child care1%38% Financial aid advising17%39% + Computer lab32%27% + Student organizations5%47% + Transfer credit assistance9%39% Services to students with disabilities 3%34% VeryNot at all Academic advising/planning72% +6% Career counseling62% +16% Job placement assistance38%35% + Peer or other tutoring43% +26% - Skill labs (writing, math, etc.)51% -21% Child care29%52% - Financial aid advising61%24% Computer lab62%14% Student organizations31% +35% - Transfer credit assistance58% +25% Services to students with disabilities 44%40% How OFTEN do you use the following services? How IMPORTANT are the following services? MVC 2008 Results - + = difference of 5 or more percentage points compared to MVC 2005, 3 or more with HSI/HACU or National Cohorts Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Satisfaction with Educational Support Services VeryNot at all Academic advising/planning28% +9% Career counseling20% +15% Job placement assistance7%15% Peer or other tutoring17%11% Skill labs (writing, math, etc.)26% -8% Child care4%12% Financial aid advising23%14% Computer lab43%5% Student organizations11%12% Transfer credit assistance18% +14% Services to students with disabilities 9%10% + How SATISFIED are you with the following services? MVC 2008 Results - + = difference of 5 or more percentage points compared to MVC 2005, 3 or more with HSI/HACU or National Cohorts Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
2008 CCSSE Full-time vs. Part-time Student Findings
Full-time vs Part-time Students Findings In General: Full-time students are more engaged in their college education experiences than part-time students Therefore, full-time students’ outcomes are more successful than those of part-time students Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Full-time vs Part-time Students Findings MVC 2008 Findings: Full-time student average scores on all five benchmarks were 7 – 14 points higher than the average scores of part-time students Full-time students’ responses were considerably higher than part-time students for all classroom and academic experience items (4. a – u) Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Full-time vs Part-time Students Findings MVC 2008 Benchmark Findings: Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Full-time vs Part-time Students Findings MVC 2008 Benchmark Findings: CCSSE Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice All Students Part- time Full- time 0-29 Credits 30+ Credits Active and Collaborative Learning Student Effort Academic Challenge Student Faculty Interaction Support for Learners Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
2008 CCFSSE Findings
CCFSSE: (Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement) 50 MVC faculty responded (33 FT & 17 PT) Surveys faculty about their perceptions regarding students’ educational experiences. Results are aligned with CCSSE to allow colleges to contrast student and faculty perceptions. Surveys faculty about teaching practices, the ways they spend their professional time Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Source: 2008 CCSSE and CCFSSE Cohort data. CCFSSE: A Tale of Two Perspectives National Cohort - Student Engagement: Student and Faculty Views by Benchmark National findings are consistent with MVC CCSSE vs. CCFSSE findings. Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Student and Faculty Perceptions at Mountain View College Examples of College Experience Items (Response of “Often” or “Very Often”) Faculty Responses Student Responses Prepare two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in 26%47% Come to class without completing readings or assignments 44%14% Discuss grades or assignments with you67%45% Receive prompt feedback from you about their performance 94%50% Discuss ideas from their readings or classes with others outside of class 21%51% Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Using CCSSE Results
Understand the Facts 21% of MVC part-time students versus 31% of MVC full-time students say they often or very often talk about career plans with an instructor or advisor. 34% of part-time students versus 27% of full-time students say they never have those conversations. Source: 2008 CCSSE Cohort data. Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Understand the Facts Part-time students are less likely to: Work with other students on projects during class Make class presentations Participate in a community-based project as part of a course Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Using CCSSE To Assess, Inform, and Act 1.Identify key areas (e.g., the areas identified in your strategic plan). 2.Start with the benchmarks. 3.Look at individual survey items. 4.Identify the least engaged student groups. 5.Involve the college community. Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Using CCSSE To Assess, Inform, and Act 6.Design strategies and set targets. 7.Share the data and plans to address them. 8.Track progress by measuring outcomes. 9.Increase efforts that are working. Modify or discontinue those that are not. 10.Repeat. Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results
Conclusion Mountain View College in Spring 2008: Overall, students are more engaged than they were in Spring 2005 Part-time students are considerably less engaged than full-time students Overall, students and faculty have different perceptions about student engagement The most important comparison: where we are now, compared with where we want to be. Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) – MVC Spring 2008 Results