Making End-of-Life Decisions: Helping Your Family and Yourself [Add name of presenter and organization]
Why Think about the End of Life? It is an important part of life
Why Think about it Now? Illness or injury can happen any time If you can’t speak, who will speak for you? Will they know what you would want? Or will they worry about doing the right thing? Only you can give them the gift of peace of mind
How Can You Help Your Family? LEARN about your choices TALK about your decisions WRITE down your plans
Learn about Your Choices Advance directives Life-sustaining treatments Hospice and palliative care Long term care Coping with loss
Talk about Your Decisions Who will make decisions for your health care if you cannot? What medical treatments would you like to have or not have at the end of life? Where would you want to be cared for?
Write Down Your Plans Use advance directive forms Living will – what you want or don’t want Medical power of attorney – who you want to make decisions Give copies to your family and doctors And remember - talk to people about your plans
To Learn More, Call… Call the national Compassionate Care HelpLine /Linea Cuidando con Cariño Caring Connections HelpLine
To Learn More, Visit… Caring Connections web site Partnership for Parents web site for parents with a seriously ill child Spanish/Español: English/Inglés:
To Ask for Help, Call Us Today [list local resources and how to reach you]