Evaluation synthesis on IFAD’s engagement with indigenous peoples Emerging findings Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) 12 February 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluation synthesis on IFAD’s engagement with indigenous peoples Emerging findings Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (IOE) 12 February 2015

Outline of presentation Emerging findings -Targeting and engaging with IPs -Participation and empowerment -Policy engagement and advocacy -Key points Issues for reflection

Emerging findings (1) Targeting and engaging with IPs Need to tailor targeting approaches to socio-economic- cultural context Need to take into consideration differences amongst IPs Need to pay greater attention to gender issues in IPs context Need for a differentiated approach to capacity development of IPs and their organizations Socially disaggregated data for M&E important but often lacking Challenges with capacity of project implementers to effectively engage with IPs

Emerging findings (2) Participation and empowerment Possible limitations of “menu approach” in “community-driven development” projects Indigenous women’s empowerment: often lacking a clear strategy, but also some good examples (e.g. access to land, participation in community decision making) IPAF small projects and its governance: demonstrate the principle of participation Participation of IPs in IFAD country strategy preparation increased overall Lack of clarity on how to operationalize “free, prior and informed consent” (FPIC) – IFAD IP policy principle Group/community strengthening – important to build upon traditional and existing institutions, systems and knowledge

Emerging findings (3) Policy engagement and advocacy Country-level (through investment projects): Some good examples of: Influence on policies, esp. land / natural resources Influence on institutions, systems and development approaches Global level Grants contributing to capacity building of IPs organizations and their engagement with international processes Institutionalization of dialogue with IPs (IPs Forum) IPAF contribution to networking with IPs organizations; linkages with country programmes with challenges

Key points IFAD’s comparative advantage to support IPs social and economic empowerment Policy engagement, advocacy and partnership development at global level: considerable efforts and progress Room for strengthening IFAD’s engagement with IPs and impact at country/project level, while notable contributions made in some cases (e.g. access to land, empowerment, policies) Diverse country contexts: challenges and opportunities with working through loan-financed projects with governments

Issues for reflection Corporate level Strategic consideration for the future of IPAF: the main objective and value? Role of IFAD to support IPs’ engagement and voice in global fora Country strategy level Country strategy preparation: important to have good analysis and IPs participation More opportunities to contribute to institutions and policies Opportunities for better linkages: partnerships, loan-financed projects, grant-financed activities

Issues for reflection (cont.d) Country programmes and projects Greater attention in project designs: e.g. diagnostic analysis (social assessment), targeting approaches, etc. Improve M&E and data availability at project level (disaggregated data, indicators relevant to IPs) Enhance supervision of and support to field-level operations with appropriate expertise Clarification on FPIC requirement: design and implementation Staff capacity building Ensure/enhance IFAD operational staff understanding of IPs issues – supported by regional/country-level network