Presentation April 26, 2007 at the NASA GSFC Earth Day celebrations Our Home Planet as Viewed from the Aqua Satellite Claire L. Parkinson/Aqua Project Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Photograph by Apollo 17 astronauts, December 1972
Water in the Earth Environment
The Aqua Spacecraft May 4, 2002 launch
Aqua’s Orbit (animation by Jesse Allen)
Earth-Observing Instruments on Aqua Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro- radiometer (MODIS) Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES; two instruments) Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E)
Methods of Sending the Aqua Data to the Ground Direct playback from the solid state recorder (SSR), while in view of one of the EOS Polar Ground Stations. Direct broadcast, to anyone with a receiving system. Direct Playback (150 Mbps) or Direct Broadcast (10 Mbps) X-band Direct Broadcast (10 Mbps) Polar Ground Station
Hurricane Isabel, September 2003 Image from the Aqua MODIS, 9/14/2003. Baltimore aftermath, 9/19/03 (photo by P. Hawkes).
Fires in Oregon, August 12, 2002 Image from the Aqua MODIS.
Dust Storm over the Eastern Mediterranean, October 19, 2002 Syria Jordan Image from the Aqua MODIS.
MODIS Imagery Captures a Dust Storm Overriding Baghdad, August 2005 Syria Saudi Arabia Iraq Iran Courtesy of the MODIS Science Team.
August 12, 2003, from the Aqua MODIS Changes in the Aral Sea July - September 1989, from Landsat
Aqua MODIS Images of Sea Ice and Iceberg B15A off the Coast of Antarctica January 16, 2003January 30, 2005
Aqua MODIS View of the Greenland Ice Sheet, July 13, 2002
Electro- magnetic Spectrum Wavelength (short to long) Radiation Type Frequency (high to low) Aqua measure- ment ranges CERES MODIS AIRS HSB AMSU A AMSR-E
Outgoing Shortwave and Longwave Radiation, June 22, 2002, from the Aqua CERES (images courtesy of the CERES Science Team) Reflected shortwave radiation (W/m 2 ) Outgoing longwave radiation (W/m 2 )
Sample Infrared Data at One Location and One Time, from the Aqua AIRS Data from all 2378 AIRS infrared channels for one footprint off the west coast of South Africa, June 13, 2002, 1:30 UTC. (spectrum courtesy of M. Chahine and the AIRS Science Team) wavenumber (cm -1 ) wavelength ( m)
AIRS Mid-Tropospheric (8 km) CO 2 July 2003 (image courtesy of M. Chahine) Concentration (ppm)
Northern Hemisphere Total Ozone Amounts, December 25, January 1, 2003, from AIRS/AMSU and TOMS Data (animations courtesy of Stephanie Granger and the AIRS Science Team) Ozone (in Dobson Units) from Aqua’s AIRS/AMSU Ozone (in Dobson Units) from the Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS)
AIRS Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH 4 ) Carbon Monoxide, 8/11/2005 Methane Volume Mixing Ratio at 210 mb, 8/8/2005 Dobson Units (images courtesy of the AIRS Science Team)
Mt. Etna Eruption as Seen in Aqua Imagery, October 28, 2002 Visible/Near IR image (images courtesy of M. Chahine and the AIRS Science Team) IR difference image highlighting SO 2
Water Vapor, January and July 2003, from the Aqua AIRS and AMSU (images courtesy of C. Thompson and E. Olsen) January 2003 July 2003
Surface Air Temperatures, January and July 2003, from the Aqua AIRS January 2003 July 2003 (images from C. Thompson and E. Olsen)
Enhanced Vegetation Index from the Aqua MODIS December 19, January 4, 2004 (image courtesy of the University of Arizona and the MODIS Science Team)
Ocean Chlorophyll Concentrations for Autumn 2005 from Aqua MODIS Data (image courtesy of the NASA/Goddard Ocean Color Processing Group)
Phytoplankton Bloom north of Norway, as seen in Aqua Imagery, July 19, 2003 (image courtesy of the MODIS Science Team)
Sea Surface Temperatures, December 2003, from the Aqua MODIS and AMSR-E From AMSR-E From MODIS
Sea Surface Temperatures, June May 2003, from AMSR-E Data (animation courtesy of JAXA)
Hurricane Katrina (visualization by the NASA GSFC SVS) GOES clouds, AMSR-E SSTs, MODIS land, August 27, 2005 AMSR-E SSTs, depicting the Katrina cold wake, August 30, 2005
Typhoon in the East China Sea, July 4, 2002, from the Aqua AMSR-E (image courtesy of JAXA) AMSR-E image, 2:26 a.m. Japan Standard Time (JST). Philippines Japan
Hurricane Frances, September 1, GHz Data from the Aqua AMSR-E (image from the NOAA/NASA Near Real Time Processing Effort)
Global Sea Ice Coverage, June 2-4, 2002 (top) and July 21-22, 2002 (bottom), from Aqua’s AMSR-E (images courtesy of JAXA)
Sample Aqua Validation Activities
The A-Train Constellation of Satellites (animation by Jesse Allen)
Photograph by Apollo 17 astronauts, December 1972