DIESER TEXT DIENT DER NAVIGATION Semi-direct test example – acceptable to NAA (ACG) Short overview
Requirements for our acceptance of ANY digital LP – test program on the market: Concept: No commitment for any test provider – performance based acceptance.. Must be compliant with established legal framework (Circ 318 Ch 4) Must have realistic contents and scenarios – Must be easy to use, focus on web based CBT program Program must include data protection and test result storage system Program must have an access option for quality control reasons Examiner must be able to use program and rate matrix to establish a documented test result by himself Fast and easy to evaluate the test results in a serious, documented way Must contain aeroplane and helicopter topics Must contain an advanced module / EN L Must have access posibility for second examiner (Q- Reasons) Must be listed on our NAA / or ICAO acceptance list ( starting 2011 )
Test must be designed to assess SPEAKING and LISTENING proficiency abilities in accordance with each component of the ICAO language proficiency rating scale and the holistic descriptors. ICAO standard phraseology should be used whenever possible but when phraseology is not applicable pilots and air traffic controllers should demonstrate also PLAIN ENGLISH. The minimum skill level requirements are embodied in the ICAO language proficiency rating scale. LEVEL 4 is considered the minimum level of proficiency to ensure an acceptable level of safety. Philosphy
Login 4
Administrative Data 5
Examiners can manage their candidates. There is no limit for the amount of candidates or exams.
7 Choose exam type
Question pool contains a huge number of questions grouped in eleven categories to ensure a wide range of high quality scenarios. Any question released must first be approved by two SMEs and one linguist. Categories: Personal questions ICAO phonetic alphabet Pictures and animations Animations and drawings Personal opinion Accident, incident, occurrence reporting Radiotelephony Radio telephony emergency situations Aviation operations Standard and emergency situations – interactions
Rating – digital test
10 Interview
11 First rater may review his ratings, but once he has handed it over to the second rater, he cannot make changes anymore Level 6
SAFA EN L 4 Competence Check SAFA EN L 4 Competence Check (RMK: This is not an LPT!) Trigger: SAFA Inspector is unable to communicate with the pilot / crew during inspection or an ATC incident was evident during arrival of aircraftFinding: SAFA „G“ finding is considerd as initially „NOT ACCEPTABLE RISK“ in regard to SSP and AIP!Consequence: Crew must be changed, or must demonstrate EN L 4 competence prior release of aircraft
SAFA Login 13
15 Administrative account to manage examiners
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