By: Raneshia Byers
Why is it important? We are able to take authority over ourselves and our lives. What works for you? (What did you think would work last semester and it did not?)
Reminders are a good tool Encouragement—Affirmation You can do it!!!!! Even if you did not do as well as you anticipated the last time you can do it. Life is about LEARNING and GROWING. WE ARE ALL LIFE TIME LEARNERS. Write out your vision. See yourself obtaining your goal.
In your phone: as your wallpaper, an alert reminder. Posted places: in your room, car, bathroom, on the front of note books or binders. Keep a calendar. Write down everything you are obligated to be a part of so you can visually see what you are responsible for.
We should set goals for everything in our life. Setting goals is something that should be practiced in every aspect of your life. Goals should be: realistic, specific and measureable.
Realistic: Don’t set something based off of the way someone else learns or the way the handle a situation—Know yourself. Specific: It should be specific to the exact outcome you would like to see. Measurable: You should be able to measure if you are striving to reach that goal and what does the measure look like to achieve that goal.
Write out three goals for this semester that are: Realistic, Specific and Measureable! Let’s share.
Now that we have told ourselves we can do it, have wrote down exactly what we would like to do it is time for APPLICATION! Before we can apply anything we have to know what we need to ADD and to take AWAY.
Here is a chart of my time:
Did your activities during the past 24 hours contribute to the goals? Goals should be real. Not something we just write down and forget about. We should be constantly striving towards our goals, if we do that we are mindful of them. They may change or need to be altered.
Prioritize your activities. Prioritizing is important for effective time management. So putting all these things together……