Plasticity of Culture ”…delineate some aspects of an intra-psychic or psychological perspective on how acculturative processes work and how they come into play in the lives of Latino immigrants and their families.”
Plasticity of Culture ”The mere fact of living in America begins to alter one’s understanding of oneself and of others almost immediately upon one’s arrival.”
“Are they seeing who you think they are seeing?”
Plasticity of Culture ”…illustrating psychodynamic contributions to these processes should be viewed as complementary to the theorizing on acculturation and ethnic identity….”
Plasticity of Culture ”…psychodynamics of the immigrant experience and the factors that mediate them: `Each migration, together with its `why’ and `wherefore’ is inscribed in the history of the family and the individual’.” [cont.]
Plasticity of Culture ”They liken the immigration experience to a form of `cummulative’ or `tension’ trauma because of the character of the psychological stresses that are brought to bear.” [cont.]
Plasticity of Culture ”However, one’s personal psychological traits and capacities, in combination with circumstances surrounding the act of immigration (including one’s reception by the host country) determine one’s adjustment to those stresses.”
Beliefs and language are key to reality formations
Plasticity of Culture …psychological impact of immigration typically stand on two propositions: 1.) psychological resources available and quality of immigrants object relations, are viewed as crucial—e.g. the meaning of developmentally defining emotional ties and how these exert a continuing influence on our capacity for engagement with others and with the cultural milieu.
Plasticity of Culture …psychological impact of immigration typically stand on two propositions: 2.) intensity of the stresses that are brought to bear upon the immigrant by “reality” during the course of the immigration experience are obviously a powerful factor in determining the character of the immigrant’s engagement….initial…more enduring…subtle & latent consequences…
Plasticity of Culture Prominently featured among the stresses are: 1.) encounter with new culture 2.) a new language 3.) threat to one’s identity because of profound dislocation. An additional key variable is the loss of homeland and loved ones and the impact of being separated from them,...engenders a process of mourning, which is universal to all immigrants
“A person that doesn’t know oneself, can do nothing for others”.
Plasticity of Culture “The construct of acculturation is the primary explanatory tool that researchers use to understand changes in cultural attitudes, values, and behaviors that result from the immigration experience.”
Plasticity of Culture “…researchers attempted to track trajectory of assimilation by assessing immigrants identification and involvement with the two cultures…under assumption that they would be in some assimilative continuum.”
Plasticity of Culture “…also assumed that immigrants who remained caught between cultures,…lacked support of their culture of origin and yet were not fully accepted by the host country,…suffer higher levels of stress and alienation.”
Plasticity of Culture “…they collectively fashion their own unique, familial cultural `holding environment’ that is related to both American and Mexican cultural elements, but is simultaneously distinct from them.”
Plasticity of Culture “Dissatisfaction with the assumption that individuals must relinquish their cultural or ethnic identities in favor of mainstream cultural identification has fostered the development of models of acculturation that focus on the characteristics of acquiring a second culture.”
Plasticity of Culture “They [models] also attempt to factor in the marginalizing effects of racism and social devaluation and the way these potent forces problematize the constructs of acculturation and ethnic identity.”
Confinement occurs when your beliefs are not supported by your experiences
Plasticity of Culture “…bicultural and multicultural models are limited in at least one important way… The lack a nuanced, ideographic understanding of the powerful ways in which individuals utilize cultural elements, psychologically, as part of their engagement with the world around them, including the people who are most important to them.”
Plasticity of Culture “Children do not begin to understand the construct of cultural experience until they are well into elementary school years, and not until adolescence do they establish a distinct sense of ethnic identity.”
Plasticity of Culture “We construct an understanding of cultural terms and what they mean or represent through the people around us. …share a common cultural world with others in their community (such as language, social class, and aesthetic, culinary, and other cultural practices & conventions)…”
….A ‘point of view’ or ‘belief window’ is formed…..and this reduces uncertainty of life
Plasticity of Culture “Cultural terms are infinitely malleable, and they adhere readily to a variety of ideas, objects, and actions. In other words, we appropriate cultural terms and utilize them as psychological tools as we engage others around us.”
Plasticity of Culture “…culture not only shapes and defines us, it also represents a social artifact to be appropriated, manipulated, and engaged in ways that tap the central elements of our psychological experience.”
Plasticity of Culture “There are nearly always subtle yet powerful undercurrents at work in our construction of cultural terms,…cultural are ready-made tools, infused with personal meaning and readily pressed into service in our ongoing engagement with the world around us.”
”How we treat others is really a reflection of how we think about ourselves.”
Review Questions 1.) Does the acculturative process only apply to Latinos? Why, why not? 2.) What are “cultural attitudes”? 3.) In the context of Latino identity, what are cultural values and behaviors? 4.) What’s the difference between “assimilation” and acculturation”? 5.) Are Latinos more prone to stress because of identity issues? Why, why not? 6.) What’s an example of appropriating a cultural term and using it psychologically?