Going the Distance for Louisiana Students – A True K-20 Collaboration Rima Duhon Louisiana Virtual School (LVS) Curriculum and Teacher Development Coordinator
Louisiana Virtual School The Louisiana Department of Education, in partnership with The Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts (LSMSA), provides Louisiana high school students access to standards-based high school courses delivered by Louisiana teachers through The Louisiana Virtual School (a BESE 8(g) funded project).
Increased course access at no cost Graduation requirements College admission requirements TOPS requirements Courses needed as a result of 2005 hurricanes A Rigorous Curriculum Highly Qualified Teachers Textbooks and other course materials on loan Recommended letter grades to districts. Flexible learning … anywhere, anytime Note: LVS is not a credit-awarding institution LVS Provides…
LVS Curriculum 40 courses developed by Louisiana teachers and aligned to the state benchmarks, content standards, Grade-Level Expectations, and the Comprehensive Curriculum Offer Dual Enrollment courses Increasing our AP® course offerings All AP ® courses approved on their first submission to the College Board AP® Audit
Louisiana Virtual School : 130 students, 130 seats, 12 courses, 20 schools, 9 districts : 2,800 students, 3,005 seats, 30 courses, 200 schools, 60+ districts Offered summer school for the first time : ~4500 students, 35 courses, 250 schools, 60+ districts
United States Department of Education (USDOE) Advanced Placement Incentive Program Grant: Louisiana Advanced Placement Academy $1,000, /2006 to 6/2009
Advanced Placement Incentive Program The creation of the Louisiana Advanced Placement Academy (LAAP) is a joint effort of the Louisiana Department of Education and Louisiana State University (LSU). Targeting six high schools and three middle schools Franklinton High and Junior High in Washington Parish Simpson High and Pickering High in Vernon Parish (K-12 schools) Capitol Pre-College Academy for Boys, Capitol Pre-College Academy for Girls, Capitol Middle (East Baton Rouge Parish) Baker High and Baker Middle in the City of Baker School System (EBR) Washington Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Vernon Parish
Advanced Placement Incentive Program The LAAP will provide model programs for rural, inner-city, and suburban school districts that can be scaled up to expand open access to strong AP® & Pre-AP programs across all of Louisiana. The project employs nine AP® Faculty Advisors (university personnel from LSU, Northwestern, Southeastern, Southern, or retired AP teachers) providing job-embedded professional development and support systems within an AP® Vertical Team model.
Advanced Placement Incentive Program Developed three new AP® courses: Biology English Literature & Composition Calculus AB Fall of 2007 the LAAP will offer AP® courses to pilot sites only Using a hybrid instructional model Significant funding for Professional development opportunities
Advanced Placement Incentive Program At the end of the three years, the school should have "stand- alone" Pre-AP and AP® programs (they can be in the form of traditional classes, a set of locally well supported on-line classes, a hybrid model... whatever fits and works). LAAP will provide AP® and Pre-AP materials along with teacher training designed to maximize the number of students taking and passing Advanced Placement exams.
LVS staff will administer/supervise the following day-to-day aspects of the project: Online course design, AP® and Pre-AP course offerings, supervision of online AP® instructional staff, develop and market AP® promotional components, and overall project administration. LSU will coordinate and deliver the summer professional development, including the supervision/organization/coordination of the summer AP® workshops and the AP® Summer Institute. LSU will provide academic year follow-up for professional development for the AP® Vertical Teams, and student support services.
APIP Timeline Year One (11/1/2006 – 6/30/2007): Course development, teacher professional development, and the implementation of site-specific AP®/Pre-AP programs. Year Two: In addition to the Pre-AP offerings, professional development, and student support services provided in year one, the new AP® courses will be piloted in the participating schools. Year Three: The project will continue as in year 2. Using assessment results courses may require modification. In the LVS will prepare to offer the AP® Academy model to ALL schools in the state.
A View of LVS AP® Courses
Developed by: Thomas Reynolds u AP ® English Literature & Composition
AP ® English Course Description This is an introduction to literature course. Reading skills are developed through training in techniques of close reading and analysis. Writing skills in this class, then, grow out of these reading experiences.
LVS AP ® English Students Will… Learn to work independently in a structured environment Have 24-hour electronic access to their teacher, the textbooks, and the course Rely on writing for communication, leading to natural improvement in student writing ability and confidence Engage with and produce multi-media materials that enhance student interest and learning, including: Online Video Online Audio Podcasts (Wimba) WIMBA Voice Boards PowerPoint Web Pages
AP ® English Literature & Composition Course Walkthrough Course Walkthrough
AP® Calculus AB Course Developers: Martha Morales (Bb) u Scott Champagne (MathXL) u
AP® Calculus AB Course Resources: MathXL (Pearson Education) Monterey Institute National Repository ofMonterey Institute Online Courses (NROC) AP Calculus ABAP Calculus AB
Click here to open
AP ® Biology Dr. Jewel Reuter Louisiana Virtual School Other Course Developers: Dr. David Longstreth (LSU) and AJ Reon (Barbe High, Calcasieu Parish)
Alignment to College Board Requirements/Standards Course Curriculum Based in Topic Outline in the Course Description Molecules and Cells, 25% Heredity and Evolution, 25% Organisms and Populations, 50% Course Goals to help students develop a conceptual framework for modern biology. to help students gain an appreciation of science as a process.
Emphasis of Conceptual Framework The course provides students an opportunity to develop : an understanding of science as a process rather than an accumulation of facts; recognition of evolution as the foundation of modern biological models and thought; the integration of the general topics of biology through the eight major themes as specified in the Course Description; and applications of biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns.
Biology AP® Course Design Accommodation of different learning styles Blackboard allows for organization of all the materials and assignments lectures with difficult material are presented using customized videos of the PowerPoint presentations Animations and interactive activities help students to learn concepts Reading is only one way to learn concepts
Laboratory Component fulfills all of the objectives of the recommended AP Biology labs as listed in the Course Description. Students must spend a minimum of 25% of instructional time engaged in hands-on laboratory work. All face-to-face hands-on labs. Utilization of digital data collection and analysis Minimum of 12 labs with multiple parts
Using Technology to Accomplish Lab Goals Efficiently Electrophoresis of DNA Samples with a Crime Lab Collecting Organisms and Using Digital Collection and Analysis Carbon Dioxide Sensor
Resources Blackboard Infrastructure Biology 7 th Edition by Campbell and Reece E-Book Online Blackboard Cartridge with Animations, Activities, and Practice Tests Customized Videos for Concept and Lab Presentations Various Ancillaries
Questions Contact Information: Rima Duhon Educational Technology Consultant (LVS) Louisiana Department of Education Office of Educator Support Division of Leadership & Technology Phone: (225)