Guidelines for Basic Geographic Data DA-06-05 AIP Phase 2 Kickoff Workshop September 25-26, 2008 Boulder, Colorado, USA Yoshikazu FUKUSHIMA Secretariat.


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Presentation transcript:

Guidelines for Basic Geographic Data DA AIP Phase 2 Kickoff Workshop September 25-26, 2008 Boulder, Colorado, USA Yoshikazu FUKUSHIMA Secretariat General of International Steering Committee for Global Mapping Geographical Survey Institute, Japan

Mission Develop Guidance Document for Basic Geographic Data Survey on Basic Geographic Datasets 38 National Mapping Organizations replied Geodetic Reference Frame Standard Map Projection Description Vector, Raster Data Quality Good Examples Basic Geographic Data Security Copyright

Geodetic Reference Frame Each country defined Geodetic Reference Some countries moved to Global Geodetic Reference However, huge amount of Data are based on old Frame To be Global Geodetic Reference Frame Transformation Services exist

Map Projection UTM has been widely accepted Some countries apply other map projection by historical reasons In order to integrate data, accurate knowledge is required Most appropriate map projection should be applied depending on the purpose

Description (Vector and Raster), Quality, Copyright and Security Vector data type is suitable representing complex objects, on the other hand, Raster data type can be used for simple applications. Elements of quality are Lineage, Completeness, Logical Consistency, Positional Accuracy and Temporal Accuracy Some limitations of use increase as the scale become larger from the point of national security Careful attention to be paid when data is changed or re-distributed Choose appropriate geographic data considering format and quality according to purpose of use Pay careful attention to Copyright and National Security

Basic Geographic Data Basic Data is such data as commonly used and is defined as Topography, Bathymetry, River Systems, Infrastructure, Land Use/Cover, Administrative Boundaries and Residential Area Global Map is 1km resolution consist of transportation, administrative unit, drainage systems, population center, elevation, land cover, land use and vegetation. Recognizing the status of basic geographic data, appropriate geographic data should be used considering the purpose and method of data analysis

Good Examples Many good examples in GEO applications were found in Disasters, Health, Agriculture, Biodiversities and Water. GEO is a very good community in achieving the task especially comprehensive use with earth observations Basic geographic data of smaller scale is mainly required in GEOSS. Therefore Global Map is most fit with GEOSS SBAs. Basic geographic data is most commonly used to show themes locations. Administrative boundaries, DEM and land cover are used in specific SBAs

Standardization International (ISO/TC211, OGC), Regional and National Standards (JPGIS) are important. Data Model including application schema, Spatial referencing, Quality and quality evaluation, Data Encoding, Data Search, Specifications and Web Map Service are discussed in Global Map. Bearing the progress of standardization of geographic data in mind, make effort to use geographic data which assure interoperability To use geographic data in complying with GEOSS interoperability arrangement

Guideline for Basic Geographic Data Final Review: September 2008 Final Document: October 2008 Current version can be downloaded from ISCGM Application/GEO/DA in

Toward GEO WorkPlan Enhance the use of Global Map Version1 to GEOSS SBAs. Collect details of needs of basic geographic data in GEOSS SBAs. Develop new specifications. Develop Global Map by 2012 with capacity building New Task Proposal (DA-09-03f of Ver.2)