Connecting with Kids
GOALS/OBJECTIVES Explore non-linear design Create an interactive, instructional presentation Create a lesson to incorporate student-made projects Resources Process Home/Goals
PROCESS Choose content Make outline, concept map or storyboard Store all files in one place Build slides Use appropriate graphics Be aware of copyright laws Resources Process Home/Goals
PROCESS Add sound, hyperlinks, and buttons Include animations and transitions Use the Resources for links to tutorials and examplesResources Process Home/Goals
PROCESS Create a lesson plan Be complete, especially in the procedure Arkansas frameworks Arkansas frameworks Resources Process Home/Goals
PROCESS Develop a rubric Use Rubistar or other online toolsRubistar Create other materials needed for the lesson Resources Process Home/Goals
PROCESS Test your action buttons and hyperlinks Proofread your slides Save all files to your removable media Share with your neighbor Resources Process Home/Goals
RESOURCES Tutorials Advanced PPT mini tutorials Advanced PPT mini tutorials MS Tips and Tricks MS Tips and Tricks Wiki used for this class Includes examples, tutorials, and links for pictures, sound, and video Resources Process Home/Goals