Arkansas Voters Age 50+ and the 2014 Election Key Findings from a Survey among Likely Voters Age 50/over Conducted June 2014 for
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP Methodology Statewide telephone survey among 1,200 likely 2014 voters age 50/over (margin of error ±2.9 percentage points), conducted June 24 to July 1, 2014, including: 742 retirees (margin of error ±3.6 percentage points) 458 non-retirees (margin of error ±4.6 percentage points) Respondents were selected at random from a list of registered voters and were reached either on a landline or mobile phone. 2
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP Profile of Likely Voters Age 50/over 3 Men Women Age 50 to 64 Age 65 to 74 Age 75/over High school grad/less education Some college College graduate Whites African Americans Household income under $30K Household income $30 to $75K Household income over $75K Democrats Independents Republicans Receive Social Security benefits Health insurance through Medicare Employed (part time or full time) Non-retirees 49% 51% 87% 8% 4% 43% 25% 32% 83% 13% 18% 34% 32% 38% 21% 41% 16% 20% 82% Retirees 43% 57% 25% 42% 33% 46% 26% 26% 84% 13% 33% 33% 15% 41% 18% 41% 87% 81% 13% Gender Age Education Household Income Party Identification Other Race
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP CAREGIVING 4
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP Three in four voters 50+ prefer at-home care over other options for themselves/family. 5 If a family member or I need help when basic tasks of life become difficult due to aging or illness, I would prefer to receive that help: Other* AT HOME WITH CAREGIVER ASSISTANCE *17% assisted living facility, 3% nursing home Not sure All voters
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP Many voters 50+ have at some point been a caregiver* to family member or expect to become one in the future. 6 Current caregivers Likely to be caregiver in future Not likely to be caregiver in future All voters * Caregiver is defined as “someone who provides unpaid care for an adult loved one who is ill, frail, elderly, or has a physical, mental, or emotional disability. This unpaid care may include assisting with personal needs such as bathing and dressing, household chores, meals, shopping, transportation, or managing finances or medical care.” Past caregivers 14% of voters age 50+ report that they or their spouse have received care from a family caregiver.
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP Caregiver Households* 7 All non-retirees Men Women White Non-White Age 50 to 59 Age 60/over Income under $50K Income over $50K Non-college grads College grads Non-retirees 61% 49% 72% 60% 66% 58% 67% 60% 61% 59% 64% All retirees Men Women White Non-White Age 50 to 69 Age 70/over Income under $40K Income over $40K Non-college grads College grads Retirees 64% 52% 73% 64% 61% 67% 61% 69% 59% 62% 68% * Those households where unpaid care is currently being provided, or has been provided in the past
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP Voters 50+ want their elected officials to make availability of at-home care a priority. 8 How important a priority should it be for elected officials to make services that help older adults live independently (home healthcare, personal care, day programs) more available in the community? 74% All voters 25% Caregiver Households 78% 21%
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP Helping people live independently is a powerful potential issue for candidates, especially among women and caregivers. 9 How important is this issue in helping you make your voting decisions this year? Very/fairly important Less/not important Very important 63% 78% Helping older people and the disabled live independently Very Important Issue in my Vote Decisions Men Women Age 50 to 64 Age 65/over High school/less Some college College grads Income under $30K Income $30K to $75K Income over $75K 59% 66% 71% 65% 48% 75% 66% 48% Whites African Americans Undecided voters Current caregivers Voters who have received care 60% 88% 62% 68% 66% All voters
Attitudes among Likely Arkansas Voters Age 50+ – June 2014 – Hart/North Star Opinion Research for AARP There is near universal support to shift additional federal funding from nursing home to home-based care. 10 * Information before question: “Currently, states receive federal funds to help low-income seniors and people with disabilities when the basic tasks of life become difficult due to aging or illness. At present, states are required to spend the majority of these funds on nursing home care. Arkansas has asked the federal government for the flexibility to shift existing funding from nursing homes to care provided at a person's home.” SupportOppose Support strongly 81% 91% Do you support or oppose the federal government giving states like Arkansas more flexibility with this funding so that seniors can receive services in their homes if that is their preference?* Men Women Age 50 to 64 Age 65 to 74 Age 75/over 78% 84% 83% 83% 79% Strongly support shifting funding All voters