21 st Century Learning Environments at All Saints. Starting steps towards Personalised Learning in the Grade 1/2 Level.
Things you should know: We are taking it slowly – small steps! We are continually reflecting, assessing and modifying. This is contemporary learning. What is best for your children is always at the center of our thinking, actions and plans.
Our definition of Personalised Learning for All Saints. Personalised learning means highly structured engagement which is collaborative, negotiated and takes into account individual student learning needs, prior knowledge and interests. Achievement is underpinned by rigorous planning and risk taking from both facilitators and students. It is focused on incorporating elements of student voice and providing opportunities for student choices about their learning. It requires the holistic, consistent, whole community involvement to support the success of each student. Teachers, students and parents will cooperate to provide ongoing detailed feedback, which will provide accurate information for planning and guiding student’s future learning.
Why the change? Providing opportunity to better meet each students learning needs. Students take more ownership and responsibility for their learning – Personal skills. Involve students in their learning more. Interest based Engaging to the students Motivating – both through interests and seeing the possibility for improvement.
Our Learning Centers Foundation – Discovery Center Grade 1/2 – Inquiry Center Grade 3/4 – Explore Center Grade 5/6 – Quest Center Specialist Areas – Global Center (Information & Communication Technology, Performing Arts, Physical Education, Science and LOTE)
1/2 Inquiry Center Teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. Symbol: Magnifying glass Represents: Searching out new information, making connections, problem solving and developing research skills
Specialist Areas All students in the year level are split into three groups: Green group Purple group White group. Each week each group attends a session of PE, Performing Arts and IT or Science. Opportunity for students to develop many personal skills, eg; working with different people, coping with different social groups, self-organisation, etc.
Math groups Assessed and grouped accordingly for each topic Groups are always changing Teachers change Observations for mid-unit changes
Daily 5 "The Daily Five" refers to the five choices that the students choose from. We do daily 5 everyday. We do whole group lessons on topics including reading strategies, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and writing. After whole group lessons, students break up into groups and do 4-5 sessions of Daily Five choices. During this time, we work with students in small groups or sometimes individually on reading skills and assessments.
Why Daily 5? Ownership and responsibility of their learning. Builds trust – in students ability to self monitor and be responsible for how they utilize their time. Choice – books, where they sit, how they read (e.g. words, pictures, retell) Develop children’s ability to read for an extended period of time each day, during which they are actively engaged in their reading.
Read to self Read to someone Listen to Reading
Word work Work on Writing Teacher group
Inquiry Interest based Choice Time management Individual learning styles Using technology for research, note taking, presentations Contract – choice, self directed, self monitoring, expectations
Inquiry Rubric
Goals Children are beginning to be aware of their own learning needs. In conference with their teacher, they are able to set learning goals in reading, writing and maths. These change on a 2-3 week rotation, after which children reflect on their work and reset their learning goal.
Thank you for coming, Join us for a cup of tea and please ask us any questions you have.