Digidol yn ddiofyn? Defnyddio technoleg i ymgysylltu’n effeithiol Digital by Default? Using Technology for Effective Engagement
Croeso / Welcome Cyllid / Funding Treniadau domestig / Domestics Cyfiethu ar y pryd / Simultaneous Translation Cyfleusterau gwesty / Hotel facilities
Diwrnod / Day Sesiwn mapio / Mapping session 12.30Cinio / Lunch 13.30Gweithdai / Workshops 15.00Te & coffi / Tea & coffee 17.00Gorffen / Finish 18.30Adroddiad cyfryngau cymdeithasol/Social Media survey report (Peter Fox) Swper & cwis / Supper and quiz
Sesiwn mapio / Mapping session Techneg /Technique: Using mapping to generate a shared sense of space e.g. A village, town, region or country.
Mapio / Mapping
Instructions 1.Introduce yourselves to one another 2.Make sure everyone has a coloured marker pen 3.Outline of your region 4.What is relevant / important to you? 5.Share with one another why these things are important to you 6.What connections have you made with others on your table?
12.30:Cinio / Lunch 13:30 Gweithdai / Workshops: Using Facebook professionally – USK Digital Storytelling – POWYS (HERE!) What to do when things go wrong – Wedgewood CONSERVATORY Free Tools and emerging trends – Wedgewood ROOM
18:30 - BALLROOM Drinks reception and information on Internet and Social Media survey findings with Peter Fox - Leader of Monmouthshire Council & sponsor of the survey 19:00 – Cinio / Dinner in DINING ROOM – Ciws / Quiz in BALLROOM
Digidol yn ddiofyn? Defnyddio technoleg i ymgysylltu’n effeithiol Digital by Default? Using Technology for Effective Engagement
Diwrnod / Day Siaradwyr / Speakers Te & coffi / Tea & coffee 11.00Gweithdai / Workshops Cinio / Lunch 13.30Sesiwn rhannu arferion da / Good practice sharing session 14.30Arolygu’r ddau ddiwrnod / Review of 2 days Gwerthuso / Evaluation Diwedd a lluniaeth ysgafn / End & light refreshments
Karen Roberts Cymunedau / Communites 2.0 “Digidol yn ddiofyn?” “Digital by Default?”
Andrew Hubbard Cymdeithas Abertawe ar gyfer Byw'n Annibynnol Swansea Association of Independent Living “Technoleg hygyrch: pethau i feddwl amdano” “Accessible Technology – Things to consider”
Te & Coffi / Tea & Coffee Gweithdai / Workshops: Using Twitter professionally – USK Y Gymraeg a chyfryngau cymdeithasol / Welsh language & Social Media – POWYS (HERE!) Making the case for e-participation – Wedgewood CONSERVATORY Blogging professionally – Wedgewood ROOM
12.30 Cinio / Lunch Sesiwn rhannu arferion da / Good practice sharing session Arolygu’r ddau ddiwrnod / Review of 2 days Gwerthuso / Evaluation Diwedd a lluniaeth ysgafn / End & light refreshments
Sesiwn rhannu arferion da Good practice sharing session
Arolygu’r ddau ddiwrnod Review of 2 days Gwerthuso Evaluation
Digidol yn ddiofyn? Defnyddio technoleg i ymgysylltu’n effeithiol Digital by Default? Using Technology for Effective Engagement