Introduction to sparqs Hannah Clarke sparqs Development Advisor Heeding the Student Voice at universities Friday 15 th May 2015
@sparqs_scotland Background to sparqs Student Participation (Partnerships) in Quality Scotland Funded by the Scottish Funding Council since 2003 Take direction from a Steering Committee, which includes representation from sector agencies plus student membership from National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland and the university and college sectors
@sparqs_scotland Our Vision Students making a positive and rewarding difference to their own and others’ educational experience, helping shape the nature of learning and contributing to the overall success of Scotland’s universities and colleges.
@sparqs_scotland Strategic Aims – Supporting students to engage in enhancing their education – Supporting institutions and students’ associations to have effective student engagement mechanisms and practices – Supporting student engagement in national policy – Supporting the development of a culture of student engagement across Scotland
A Student Engagement Framework for Scotland There are six features of effective student engagement: 1.A culture of engagement. 2.Students as partners. 3.Responding to diversity. 4.Valuing the student contribution. 5.Focus on enhancement and change. 6.Appropriate resources and support.
A Student Engagement Framework for Scotland There are six features of effective student engagement: 1.A culture of engagement. 2.Students as partners. 3.Responding to diversity. 4.Valuing the student contribution. 5.Focus on enhancement and change. 6.Appropriate resources and support.
@sparqs_scotland Scottish Student Engagement Framework – key principles Student engagement is a vehicle for change: In the students themselves In the student experience In the institutions Across the Scottish Higher Education sector
@sparqs_scotland Building Blocks for Student Involvement in Quality Assurance and Enhancement Equal access to evaluative and management information Informed voice Feedback mechanisms External monitoring Effective representative structures Training and support Joint commitment and understanding Recognition and reward Opportunities to participate in review Opportunities to participate in decision making Development and sharing of practice
@sparqs_scotland Why is student engagement important? Student views Dialogue with staff Improved learning experience Students are experts in their learning
@sparqs_scotland Ladder of participation (Arnstein, 1969)
@sparqs_scotland actor expert partner information provider a completer of surveys collector & analyst of feedback recognised as experts in learning authentic & constructive dialogue
@sparqs_scotland Solutions to increase Student Engagement Closing the feedback loop Students need to know they are having an impact Keep in mind that it is all about change Not enough support and too many meetings/admin tasks
@sparqs_scotland Resources and further information
@sparqs_scotland The Student Learning Experience