AIP-2 Kickoff Workshop Energy SBA Session Report Ellsworth LeDrew, University of Waterloo, Canada Thierry Ranchin, Mines ParisTech, France GEOSS AIP-2 Kickoff September 2008
Scenario objectives Support the SBA Energy by developing services providing irradiance data among other parameters Simulating the case of the sitting of a solar power plant.
What we have in hands
Meteorological data Access through WSDL to databases: –Monthly means of solar irradiance –Min, max and mean values of air temperature at 2 m –Min, max and mean values of relative humidity at 2 m –HelioClim 3 time series of irradiance (year 2005) –Forecast of meteo data at surface for 3 days to 3 hours –SOLEMI time series irradiance data –NASA–SSE–HelioClim 1 times series of daily irradiance Other types of access –Real time information meteorological data Providers: Mines ParisTech, NCAR, DLR, NASA, Rutherford Appleton Lab
Geographical Information Hydrological information for US from NOAA Worldwide Geographical information from USGS
Tools PV assessments through PVGIS Server (JRC) Stochastical generation of test datasets for modelling of PV system (MeteoTest) PV Production calculator (MeteoTest) Computation of renewable energy parameters (NASA)
What are the missing datasets ?
Inventory is needed for having a worldwide coverage. Use of GEO Portals and Registry but also other portals (hydrological network, grids, local demand, roads, environmental and biodiversity information, risks and hazards maps, …) Help from the Data and Products team
In the Workflow domain, what do we need?
Workflow Help form the Workflow Team Enterprise modeling that will lead to the workflow design Information and Computational Technology views for linking to GEOSS Recommendations for the setting of the service Help on technical bottlenecks
AIP-2 Master Schedule Within the coming month: –Planned meeting between Workflow Team, INCOSE and the Team For Nov 2008: –Key design decisions –Refined agenda for setting up the service