Ideas to Increase Student Engagement Activate Energize Summarize Tenoroc Senior High School January 25, 2010
WHY? Ideas to increase student engagement help : -promote student learning and academic achievement -learning becomes active rather than passive -increase student retention -increase motivation -help students develop oral communication skills -develop students’ social skills -promote self-esteem
Turn and Talk Turn to your neighbor and see if he or she agrees with the statement I have written on the board. If there is a disagreement, how can you use the information in the text (or from homework) to support your thinking. How you solved a problem/arrived at conclusion, etc.
Think-Pair-Share Students have individual think time. Pair up and exchange thoughts. Share with other pairs, teams or class.
Write-Pair-Strengthen Students write silently about a topic. Pair up and share. Write how your thinking changed based on your conversation with your partner.
Talk a Mile a Minute Turn to your partner and tell them -everything you know about… -everything you heard me say in last 10 minutes -questions you still have about…
Talking Chips Each student in a group of 4 or 5 receives one talking chip (pen, pencil, eraser). Students are given an open ended question/discussion topic. In order to share, the student puts their talking chip in the center of the group. When first student finishes, next student puts in talking chip, etc. Cannot speak until everyone has added to discussion. Start again.
One Minute Game Divide the class into teams of 5 or less. Have each group contemplate answers to these questions, giving them 1 minute to answer: -What was the main thing you learned today? from this section of the text? -Tell me two questions that you have remaining about this lesson. -What else would you like to know about this topic?
Shape Summary Done independently first Shared with partner/group *Write one thing that squared with your beliefs or one thing you reconnected with. *Questions still “circling” in your head. *Three most important points.
Note Pass Students write a summary paragraph answering the Essential Question. Notes are exchanged with a partner. Partner responds to the accuracy of the answer.
Connect/ Exclusion Brainstorming Teacher writes topic and a series of words/phrases connected to the topic except for one or a few words not related. Students work in pairs or teams to exclude the words not connected and explain why the words are not related and why other words are connected.
Sample of Exclusion Brainstorming World War II JapanPoland HolocaustHiroshima Pearl HarborNazis GermanyIwo Jima AlliesAxis Concentration Camp Battle of MidwayHitler EisenhowerTruman
Goal: Get students engaged in your content.
References: Prince George County’s Public Schools ativelearning.htm ativelearning.htm gtips/cooperativelearningtips.html gtips/cooperativelearningtips.html Learning Focused Strategies/Solutions