Carstairs S&C Sustainability Renewals & Enhancement Sean Malone Network Rail
2 1.0 Carstairs Overview East Jn South Jn North Jn Station ECA2 WCM1 To Edinburgh To Glasgow To Carlisle
3 2.0 Carstairs – Need for Change Currently a 1970s installation by British Rail. High level of operational redundancy built into the layout. This redundancy, with a number of surplus crossovers, has lead to high supplementary maintenance costs. Shift in focus from aspired flexibility to “fit for purpose” & “value for money”, a once in a generation opportunity has been identified to tie in with Motherwell North Signalling Renewals Project (MNSR) and deliver an enhanced/rationalised junction.
4 2.1 Drivers for Renewal/Enhancements Cumulative Tonnage (age x tonnage) – S ervice Life. Maintenance Issues – Poor timber bearer/sleepers, Very poor joints with high rail wear, old ballast & poor track geometry. Technical Non-Compliances - Facing BV switches, S&C on curves, including transitions & tight toe-to-toe distances between S&C. The RAM Track Scotland team concluded that some form of interventions additional to regular maintenance are required to keep Carstairs operating throughout the next 5-year Control Period ( ). These are in the form of Medium Refurbishment in CP4 and Heavy Refurbishment & entire Base Case Renewals in CP5. Additionally, Enhancement Options have been developed and illustrated in this presentation.
5 3.0 Carstairs South Jn Remodel of 322, 323 & 319 Turnouts Remodel/Relocation of 324 Crossover (~200 yards South) Abandonment of 316 & 318 Crossovers and Abandonment of 321 Turnout 1825 yds of Associated Plain Line Line Speed Increase Throughout
6 Full Renewal of 315A & 314 Points Remodel of 313 A&B Points / Remodel of CSP Branch Line Abandonment of 315B Crossover Abandonment of ECA1 Up Main Line 1550 yds of Associated Plain Line Line Speed Increase throughout with Larger S&C & Rationalisation 3.1 Carstairs East Jn
7 Abandonment of 305 Turnout Extension of Down Loop Abandonment of 303, 304, 306B, 307, 309 & 311 Crossovers Renewal of 306A Crossover Remodel/Relocate of 302 Crossover & 312 Turnout Renewal of Up Loop Yard Turnouts Modify Carstairs Platform 2 – Remodel of Down Plat Line, New Up Main CSP By-Pass Line to allow North/East Traffic whilst Plat 1 is occupied LSI due to Remodel of CSP Curve & Reduced S&C 3.2 Carstairs Station
8 3.3 Carstairs North Jn Renewal of 4A GF Turnout Remodel/Relocation of 301 Turnout off Transition onto Straight New Facing 299 Turnout (Ravenstruther) Additional Crossover – 300 A/B on Main Line& New T/O for Extended Down Loop 1145 yds of Associated Plain Line Line Speed Increase Throughout
9 Production of development Particular Requirement Specification (PRS) documents PRS includes: Existing Site Information – Infrastructure on site, age, location & condition (Geogis, OMNIInspector HD, Sectional Appendix, meetings with engineers from key disciplines etc) P-way Issues - drivers for the proposed jobs Track Proposals - their impact on the network & other disciplines Layout Diagrams - depicting proposed layouts The PRS documents formed a vital part in bringing the various schemes and ideas together and are used to define the options available. All key stakeholders were kept up to date with the progress of the PRS’ and these documents formally show the decision making process with these options. 4.0 My Role & What I Have Influenced
Summary The multi-disciplinary, in-house approach taken at Carstairs using the PRS documentation process has provided an opportunity to scope a large-scale project efficiently. With continuous and structured channels of communication between stakeholders ensuring all requirements are considered, the delivered junction should provide an appropriate and cost effective solution, fit for another generation.
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