SFC site update AI spring meeting, Tokyo Miyoko Kumaki
Content SFC members Topology map Changing of some Connections to APAN between SFC and NAIST NUOL(Laos) is up! sfc-cache replace OpenSSH update future works
SFC members(mainly) sfc-team ML : Operator: husni, sirokuma, west, haruhito, takeshi, kotaro, kuma UDL Operator: husni, haruhito, kotaro Physical line(modem, sony-feed and so on): haruhito MWD: kotaro Web Cache: kuma
Topology map sfc-apan-gate sfc-gate sfc-orochi sfc-orochi2 WIDE AS 2500 sfc-sat sfc-sg-sat to each partners over satellite link sfc-udl-feedsfc-udl-feed2 sfc-sony-feed mwd sfc-cache APAN AS7660 to NAIST
Change of some connections ATM line, between SFC-NAIST, SFC-APAN was abolished. Before: Directly connect to SFC-NAIST, APAN by ATM AI3 APAN sfc-apan-atm/sfc-naist-atm sfc-apan-gate Layer2 detail sfc-apan-gate via VLAN in WIDE APAN SFC NAIST Via VLAN in WIDE We configure VLAN in WIDE, and use this.
NUOL(Laos) is up! New UDL Partner There was no return path by internet from NUOL to SFC now, established by using C-band Bi- directional satellite link. So there is p2p connection 128kbps to SFC. topology: sfc-sat sfc-udl-feed cisco bridge cisco1710 SONY bridge RR NUOL Network UDL p2p (128Kbps)
sfc-cache replace OS: FreeBSD-4.8Release CPU clock / HDD / memory Xeon 2.4GHz / 350G byte / 2G byte Cache application Squid-2.5 STABLE3 sfc-cache.ai3.net:8080 mrtg But a few days, sfc-cache is unstable … please advice and help me! more information: contact to
OpenSSH update Latest version : OpenSSH_3.6.1p2 Result of scanSSH This web can be seen by ai3 standard web password. It may be one of agenda Security in Operation session. Please please update as soon as possible! > all sites under version 3.5.* includes very dangerous bug.
Future works sfc-gate replace in one month Redundancy for sfc-sat this is one of agenda in Operation.