Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH The Schizophrenic State of Tobacco Control in the Philippines
Category A Provinces 25 Provinces more than 1000 cases/year or situation worsened Category B Provinces 22 Provinces 100 to 1000 cases/year Category C Provinces 18 Provinces less than 100 cases/year Category D Provinces Provinces that are already malaria-free (no more indigenous cases for at least 3 years) GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MALARIA PHILIPPINES (Based on 10-year Ave, 1991 – 2000) Source: Malaria Control Program, 2000
The Situation - - Limited government resources for tobacco-related diseases - Increasing prevalence for tobacco use among children and women H High mortality and morbidity rates from tobacco-related disease
The Supply of Tobacco Tobacco production and sale is a source of income for poor families Tobacco tycoons are politically well- connected to members of the legislative and executive branches of government Tobacco is sold by single sticks on the streets by child vendors Tobacco industry is formidable
The Demand for Tobacco Entertainment industry “glamorizes” tobacco Culture of accommodation inhibits non-smokers from demanding a smoke-free environment Many political leaders are smokers Tobacco advertising is a major source of income for the broadcast and print media
The Schizophrenic State - Voted for the ratification of the FCTC - Enacted Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 & Excise Tax Law of Updated - Updated local ordinances against smoking – Makati, Davao, Mandaluyong, etc.
The Schizophrenic State Health professionals smoke in front of their patients – 1 out of 3 MDs National Tobacco Authority looking for alternative uses of tobacco Department of Trade & Industry chairing the IAC for Tobacco Control Department of Education accepts money for schools & lauds Phillip Morris for Youth Smoking Prevention Program OP inaugurates a Phillip Morris plant
The Shift in Strategy HEALTHPROMOTION HEALTHPROTECTION Public Empowerment For Policy Change
The Old Strategy - Focus on educational programs for children programs for children in schools in schools - Promote healthy lifestyle
The New Strategy - Aggressively mobilize a constituency to support the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003, the Excise Tax Law of 2005 and local tobacco control legislation - Use the FCTC to buttress national tobacco control policies
The Six Components of the NTCP - Media, Advocacy & Promotion - Smoking Cessation Program - Epidemiologic Surveillance & Research - Education Program - Economic Alternative Program for Tobacco Farmers - Legislation/ Public Policy Development
Media, Advocacy & Promotion - There is no such thing as industry vv health “balance” - Blacklist agencies, organizations, companies, individuals associated with tobacco industry
Media, Advocacy & Promotion - Case find patients cum victims of exposure to tobacco for litigation
Smoking Cessation Program - Set up smoking cessation clinics in all government retained hospitals & major medical centers
Surveillance & Research Global Youth Tobacco Survey Health Professionals’ Tobacco Survey Burden of Illness Studies Packaging & Labelling Tobacco Industry Activities Monitoring of Implementation of Tobacco Regulation Act, Excise Tax Law, FCTC, Ordinances
Education Program - Integrate TC in medical/allied health professionals’ curricula
Economic Alternative Program - Abolish the National Tobacco Authority
Legislation The Tobacco Regulation Act provides for: - prohibiting sale of cigarettes to minors - banning smoking in public places such as schools, health facilities, public conveyances, food preparation areas, etc.
Legislation - banning of tobacco ads, sponsorships taxation ban ads on TV & radio – 1 jan 2007 ban ads on cinema & outdoor ads – 1 july 2007 ban ads on mass media advs – 1 july warning labels - economic alternative for tobacco farmers
Legislation / Public Policy Development A. National Step up implementation of the Tobacco Regulation Act by the IAC, chaired by the DTI and vice-chaired by the DOH - Provide incentives to local governments & groups deputized to catch offenders & collect fines
Legislation / Public Policy Development A. National - Push for implementation of the Excise Tax Law; plan to wisely spend monies earmarked for “disease prevention” - Increase levies to provide disincentives to ”sensitive”, perilous companies
Legislation / Public Policy Development A. National Push for an issuance to declare: - Tobacco as a hazardous substance - Nicotine-containing products as prescription drugs
Legislation B. International Treaty - Invoke the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) - a WHO initiative and international legal instrument which will circumscribe global tobacco consumption
In Summary - Tobacco control is in a state of ambuguity & schizophrenia - It is incumbent upon health professionals to bring the true picture clearly into focus
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