Science Festival Belgrade An Idea Worth the Effort!
About us APG “Museum Night” is a non-governmental, non-profit organization which gathers young people involved in different areas such as culture management, art, science, marketing, public relations, design etc. It was founded with aim to affirm universal and unjustly neglected social values through the creative initiatives.
Organizational chart
Objective To interest, inform and include the whole society in the significance of the science and technology for our existence
Concept At the previous Festivals, the most popular programs were: § Cook with our Chemists § Why Fly? § Blame it on Curves § The Secret of Alchemists § Psychology of Music § Why the Sex is Funny? § Journey to the Center of the Earth § We Want the Beauty and the Health A. Einstein: “As Simple As Possible, But Not Simpler”
Art + science = link for future, a must, an excelent match
How it started? Science Festival 2007 in numbers 1 location (800 m 2 ) 2 days 38 events: 18 science exhibitions, 16 lectures, 3 science shows, 1 workshop 120 science explainers 12 institutions as partners visitors
Science Festival 2008 in numbers § 1 location (2.400 m 2 ) § 3 days § 62 events: 21 science exhibitions, 24 lectures, 14 science shows, 3 workshops § 170 science explainers § 18 science institutions as partners § visitors
Programming and Selection Public call Suggestions from partner institutions Invitations from other countries Defining target groups Program Board makes the selection
Partners Museum of Science and Technology ๏ Institute of Physics ๏ Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering ๏ Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies ๏ Vinca Institute ๏ National Forensic Center ๏ Laboratory for Experimental Psychology ๏ Biological Research Institute ‘Siniša Stankovic’ ๏ Astronomical Society ‘Rudjer Boškovic’ ๏ Faculty of Chemistry ๏ Faculty of Biology ๏ Botanical garden ‘Jevremovac’ ๏ Faculty of Physics, Historical Museum of Yugoslavia ๏ Faculty of Agriculture ๏ Faculty of Mining and Geology and others.
PR and advertising strategy The Science Festival 2008 was covered by more than 60 electronic and print media. § Six weeks long PR campaign § Advertising in about 20 monthly, weekly and daily publications § Indoor and outdoor advertising § Radio advertising § 25,000 free copies of printed Festival program bulletin § Web page § Interactive promotional stand in the centre of Belgrade § Posters and bulletins in every elementary and high school, vocational school and faculty in Serbia.
“Serbia has a future” “Intelligence strikes back” “The formula for long queues is invented” “Magic of the brand new EXIT” “DNA code to take away” “A class to dream of!” “Visitors in a skin of the scientists”
Financing - Three pillars of funding
International dimension Emphasizing the networking and exchange of ideas and exhibitions
Genoa 2008 and Korea 2009
Plans for 2009 2 locations, m 2 More international speakers More integration of art and science Science Film Festival
Be our guest at Belgrade Science Festival 2009!