OUTDOOR Advertising Key to BUDWEISER’s sales success in 2009
There are nearly 100, Heavy Beer Drinkers
LAMAR OUTDOOR Knows where these Heavy Beer Drinkers Live and Drive.
Over 500, Pittsburgh Adults go to Bars & Nightclubs every month.
LAMAR OUTDOOR Knows where Pittsburgh Bars & Nightclub goers live and drive.
LAMAR OUTDOOR Knows where to find Adult Beverage Consuming Supermarket Shoppers!
How many of these 325,000+ $100+/week will be reminded to buy BUDWEISER products?
How many of these 200,000+ $150+/week will be reminded to buy BUDWEISER products?
LAMAR OUTDOOR Knows where the big Supermarket spenders who enjoy Adult Beverages Live and Drive.
LAMAR OUTDOOR effectively Reaches nearly 75% of Pittsburgh’s Heavy Beer Drinkers.
LAMAR OUTDOOR effectively reaches nearly 70% of Pittsburgh’s 21+ Bar & Nightclub Goers.
LAMAR OUTDOOR effectively Reaches over 70% of the $150+/week Supermarket shoppers who Purchase Adult beverages.
Want Beer Drinkers in an I-Pod Satellite Radio World?
LAMAR OUTDOOR is seen weekly by over 250,000 local 21+ Beer Consumers who spend More than $160 Million a year on Beer & Ale.