1 R ECOMMENDATION Add a new subsection to the General Sign Regulations of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO) to regulate Electronic Variable Message (EVM) signs. There are no existing provisions in the CZO that regulate electronic signs. EVM technology is new. More businesses are utilizing the technology for advertisement. Summary Ordinance 11,781
2 G OALS OF P ROPOSED R EGULATIONS Accommodate the use of EVM technology Improve business visibility Protect residential neighborhoods Minimize commercial light intrusion Promote safety for motorists Improve the appearance of the streetscape Craft enforceable regulations Summary Ordinance 11,781
3 S UMMARY OF R ESEARCH Cross-section of local EVM sign regulations: Jefferson Parish; City of New Orleans State and Federal outdoor sign programs and policies: FHWA, LADOTD Publications from sign industry organizations: Outdoor Advertising Association of America; Int. Sign Assoc.; Signage Foundation Inc. Scholarly reports on safety, driver behavior, sign legibility, sign lighting, etc.: APA; ULI Input from local sign companies Summary Ordinance 11,781
4 S IGN F ACE C HARACTERISTICS The entire sign face may use EVM technology, or; May be used as a portion, not to exceed 35% of sign face. Multi-Panel On-Premise Sign Single Panel On-Premise Sign Summary Ordinance 11,781
5 E LECTRONIC M ESSAGE D ISPLAY Static images only – little to no movement of messages/images in the frame Minimum 8 second dwell-time between messages Instantaneous transition between messages No fading, dissolving, scrolling, etc.
6 EVM S IGN L IGHTING 400 cd/m cd/m 2 Sign Luminance 800 cd/m 2 1,000 cd/m cd/m 2 Based on moderately high ambient lighting 750 cd/m 2 USSC’s recommendation 323 cd/m 2 Nighttime Based on moderate ambient lighting (OAAA & ISA recommendation) 500 cd/m 2 Daytime Most common standard in other communities reviewed 1,097 cd/m 2 Highest standard in other communities reviewed ( 323 cd/m 2 Consistent with Jefferson Parish EVM Sign Ordinance)
7 S IGN P ROGRAMMING & E QUIPMENT Photocell/sensor to measure ambient light conditions Auto-dimming capabilities and a malfunction display lock The manufacturer must provide written certification that: Ambient light sensors are installed The sign’s light intensity is preset not to exceed Kenner’s maximum brightness levels, and protected from manipulation Summary Ordinance 11,781
8 Z ONING R EGULATIONS FOR EVM S IGNS 1 sign per development site Located along street frontage Oriented away from closest residential district Setback at least 150’ from residential district and closest existing EVM sign (Consistent with Jefferson Parish EVM Sign Ordinance) Summary Ordinance 11,781
9 EVM S IGN C ONVERSION A legal conforming sign may convert to an EVM sign when all applicable requirements are met. A legal nonconforming sign may convert to an EVM sign if the conversion results in full compliance with all applicable regulations of the ordinance.
10 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS RELIGIOUS USES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, SCHOOLS & INSTITUTIONS, ALLOWED EVM SIGNS Conditions: EVM panel shall comprise no more than 50% of the detached sign area or twenty-five (25) square feet, whichever is less. Must meet applicable criteria of Article XX, Section 20.09(d). Changing messages/images is prohibited between 10 pm and 6 am. Illumination shall not be aimed, directed or reflected to cause direct light from the luminaire to be directed toward residential or adjoining uses, or to create up light, spill light or glare perceptible to persons operating motor vehicles on public ways. Illumination of the sign face shall not exceed fifty (50) lumens per square foot. Roof signs, flashing & blinking signs, off-premise signs (billboards), and signs with animated and scintillating lights are prohibited. Summary Ordinance 11,781
11 N OT C ONSIDERED EVM S IGNS Pedestrian-Oriented Directory & Menu Signs Menu Boards for Drive Thru Services Advertised Price of Motor Fuel by Retail Dealers (Provided minimum conditions are met) Pedestrian-Oriented Menu Sign Menu Board Fuel Prices
12 A MORTIZATION WITH S IGN P ROGRAMMING 3 months from the adoption date of the ordinance all existing electronic signs shall meet the message display standards and brightness levels of the EVM sign regulations. Existing electronic signs not conforming to the new EVM sign regulations shall be considered nonconforming. Summary Ordinance 11,781
13 E NFORCEMENT P ROCEDURE A nit meter or light meter may be used to measure the luminance intensity of an EVM sign. Summary Ordinance 11,781 Used by Jefferson Parish
14 E NFORCEMENT P ROCEDURE (C ONTINUED ) Upon receiving a complaint an inspection of the sign will be conducted. Upon 1 st inspection, three measurements will be taken. Average of the three shall be the sign’s lumination. A letter will be sent to the property owner which shall include: A summary of the City’s EVM sign lighting regulations The date and time I.C.E. performed 1st inspection Sign’s owner/operator be present for re-inspection Violations of the EVM sign regulations would be processed under existing citation procedures.