OVERVIEW The CRTPA coordinates the annual submission of priority project lists (PPLs) to the FDOT for annual funding consideration (Gadsden, Jefferson*, Leon and Wakulla counties) Transportation Enhancements (TE) PPL
OVERVIEW Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991: “10% set aside of federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds” TE are federally funded, community-based projects that expand travel choices…
OVERVIEW 12 TE activities have been designated by the federal government for funding eligibility: (1) Provision of pedestrian and bicycle facilities (2) Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians and bicyclists (3) Acquisition of scenic easements, scenic/historic sites (4) Scenic or historic highway programs (5) Landscaping and other scenic beautification (6) Historic preservation
OVERVIEW TE activities (continued): (7) Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (8) Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (9) Inventory, control and removal of outdoor advertising (10) Archaeological planning and research (11) Environmental mitigation of highway runoff pollution, reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality, maintain habitat connectivity (12) Establishment of transportation museums
CRTPA TE PROCESS Every two years, the CRTPA actively solicits TE applications from the region TE information on CRTPA website Who can apply? Local governments, community groups*, and non-profit agencies* March 1 to May 13, 2011 = open application period * = sponsor requirement
APPLICATION PROCESS Complete the application Does project address TE activity? Familiarize yourself with local and regional planning efforts Public Benefit Considerations Connectivity Project Support
TE TIMELINE FEBRUARY CRTPA technical assistance workshop MARCH 1 TO MAY 13, 2011 – Open submittal period for TE applications MAY 3, 2011 – CRTPA subcommittee’s (Citizens, Multimodal and Technical Advisory Committees) select two (2) members to serve on the TE Committee MAY 13, 2011 – TE application deadline JUNE 2011 – Applications reviewed for eligibility by FDOT JUNE/JULY 2011 – TE Committee meets to hear TE applicant presentations and preliminarily rank projects SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 – CRTPA Board approves agency’s FY 2012 – FY 2016 priority project lists (ppl) (including the TE PPL)
Prior TE Projects Examples Capital Cascade Connector Bridge (submitted by BP 2000) (design funded (FY 10); construction funded (FY 2014)) Lafayette Pedestrian Tunnel* Gadsden County and Wakulla County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Colonial Drive Sidewalk project