Fishermans Friend in Ireland Gareth Watkins Robert Roberts Ltd
Our History together Manufacturers, Brand owners & distributors based in Dublin, Ireland Distributing for Fishermans friend since 1987 Wide range of goods from wine to coffee to confectionery into all retail channels. Sister company to Robert Roberts, also based in Dublin Brand owners & distributors with a focus on health foods & pharmaceutical products They distribute Fishermans Friend into the pharmacy sector
Competitive Set
On Trade Activity Years of growth built on improving distribution Focus for 2013 on location in store – Quality & Quantity! Parasite unit placed – 400+ units, approx. 29% of convenience
Advertising Outdoor Advertising Advertising run for the month of January Focus this year on commuter transport Print ads on city buses, urban rail & intercity rail 140 sites 96 sites 254 sites
Consumer Activity Previously sampling in goody bags – linked to running events (Mini Marathons, Charity runs etc.) Too Female orientated. For 2014 : National Ploughing Championships Better timing – September Better demographic – Even spread, male skew Better exposure – 200,000+ Irish adults
Where to next? Launch of Honey & Lemon in September 2014 highly anticipated Volumes may allow us to increase support in next 12 months If possible, a focus on increasing awareness probable Decision whether to ‘chase’ a younger audience or remain conservative Fishermans Friend link with Outdoor Adventure sports & Strong Man Run in Europe a good link, hugely on trend in Ireland now
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