Transportation Enhancement Funds Workshop April 19, 2004 MAG Saguaro Room
Agenda Introductions. What are Transportation Enhancement Funds? Changes from Last Year. Available Funding. Schedule. Eligibility. Sponsor Responsibilities. Selection & Review Process. Evaluation Criteria. If Project Selected. Practical Guidance. Questions.
Staff Dawn M. Coomer MAG Multi-Modal Program Manager (602)
Staff Cheryl Banta ADOT Section Manager, Environmental and Enhancement Group (602) Phil Jeselnick ADOT Project Manager (602) Rebecca Miller ADOT Environmental (NEPA) Planner (602)
What Are Transportation Enhancement Funds? Federal program. Mandatory set- aside. Enhances surface transportation with “above and beyond” projects. TE process varies among states. Projects classified as “local” or “state.”
Changes from Last Year New ADOT Web site. Self-bidding and administration. Abatement. Right of way ownership. Historic canals. Cost estimate. 15 gallon tree size limit. New State Board Sub-Committee?
Available Funding Local projects: $7.5 million. State projects: $5.5 million. Competitive process. Projects go to all areas of the state.
Applications Due Friday, May 28 – Noon. Late applications not accepted. No faxes or electronic copies. 11 copies, including one signed original.
EFWG Meetings Friday, June 18– 8:30 a.m. Applicants provide 5 minutes project overview. Tuesday, June 29 – 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, July 6 – 8:30 a.m. Tentative meeting.
Formal Approvals July 14. Management Committee recommendation. July 28. Regional Council action.
Final Edits Friday, August 27 – 5:00 p.m. Revised applications due from applicants (18 copies including one signed original). September 3. Applications due to ADOT. Turned in by MAG staff.
ADOT October 6 to 8 – TERC. MAG applications represented by MAG staff and EFWG Co-Chair. November/December. Approval and selection by State Transportation Board.
How Do I Start? Eligibility. 12 Categories. Consult ADOT & MAG Guidebooks.
Bike and Pedestrian Projects; Rail to Trail
Acquisition of Scenic Easements and Scenic or Historic Sites
Landscaping and Other Scenic Beautification
Other Projects Historic preservation. Rehabilitation of historic structures. Mitigation of Water Pollution; Wildlife Connectivity Control and removal of outdoor advertising. Archaeological Planning and Research Transportation Museums.
Eligibility Requirements
ADOT and MAG Guidebooks. Relate to surface transportation.
“Above and beyond.” 12 categories in federal transportation law. MAG process.
Local projects need a 5.7% cash match. Sponsored by local, state, federal or tribal government. Local signed by city, town, or county manager, or tribal administrator. State signed by District Engineer. Support letter. Local council resolution encouraged.
Environmental (NEPA), access (ADA), & other federal standards. SHPO comments. No initiated activities. No routine maintenance & operations. Local projects limited to $500,000. State projects limited to $1.5 million.
Sponsor Responsibilities Assumes liability. Cash match. Project completion. Cost overruns. Project scoping and environmental documentation. Reimbursement program.
Review and Selection Process Two Stages of Review. MAG. ADOT. Site evaluation of projects before TERC review.
Selection Criteria Regional and Community Enhancement. Cost Effectiveness/Reasonable Cost. Project Need/One Time Opportunity. Multiple Enhancement Fund Project Areas.
MAG Process
Enhancement Funds Working Group. Three meetings. Agenda lists order applications heard. Applications listed in order received.
Application Review: MAG staff introduces. Applicant presents - 5 minutes. Public comment - 5 minutes. 10 minute Q & A led by EFWG co- chairs.
Applicants required to submit written response to EFWG comments raised during review before ranking meeting. WOW, that’s a lot of information!
Ranking procedure: Anonymous ballots. Staff determines ranking. EFWG action. Decisions, decisions…
Agency requested to submit ranking of multiple applications. Not required. Helpful to EFWG. Which project is your highest priority?
If Project Selected Funds are reimbursed. Comply with federal guidelines (ADA and NEPA). Environmental Clearance Needed at 30% design for: SHPO. Use of Federal funds for design.
If Project Selected Project Development Timeline: ADOT Workshop. Kick-off meeting – 3 months. Scoping (project assessment report) finished - 12 months. Environmental clearance -18 months. Complete design (bid-ready), with utility and right-of-way clearances - 36 months. Bid-ready documents – must bid within 6 months. Project cancellation policies in ADOT Guidebook.
If Project Selected Conflict escalation ladder developed at kick-off. Deposit $3,000 - $5,000 to ADOT when project assessment submitted. Cannot be funded with TE. Consult ADOT Guidebook for: Construction and procurement. Cost overrun policies. Self bidding.
Practical Guidance
Competitive process. Learn as much as possible. Listen to EFWG and MAG staff. Get community support. Promote your project. Reapply for funds another time if not successful the first time.
Don’t bind applications for first MAG submission. Only 11 applications required for initial review. Project description very important. Cost estimate very important. Pictures and map; one in color.
Use MAG and ADOT Guidebooks. Call with questions. Don’t be overwhelmed; help is only a phone call (or an ) away!
Questions and Comments
For More Information Dawn M. Coomer, MAG (602) Cheryl Banta, ADOT (602) Phil Jeselnik, ADOT (602)