DEMOGRAPHICS 44% aged (average age 34) 68% Young Families 16% Older Families 56% White Collar 26% Home Duties 94% are Main Grocery Buyers Average HH income $101K p/a 42% have kids <5, 41% kids 5-12 Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people ATTITUDES & ACTIVITIES Super mom – With her focus on her little ones, 78% say that as a family they spend a lot of time together and 37% say that the weekend breakfast is a great family gathering. Car decisions are made with the child in mind with 59% saying that the car has to be suitable to carry kids and 60% saying that the car needs to be easy to enter and exit for the rear occupant. Unaware & Influenced – While shopping at the supermarket 44% say that their children have an influence their purchases in store. 29% say that in store advertising had an influence on their grocery decision, and 33% having the advertising capture their attention. On the weekends they are found visiting parks & gardens, shopping centers. 46% will be driving in traffic. MOTHERS 1,125,000 PEOPLE (24% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 63 % 63% are heavy outdoor consumers MOTHERS
MEDIA AND OUTDOOR BEHAVIOUR Outdoor attitudes/opinions 57% notice brand advertising on large billboards 54% say billboard advertising is easy to understand whilst driving 56% say large billboards capture my attention when driving 58% can’t miss big billboard signs 48% can’t help notice advertising around the airport 50% can’t help notice advertising on busses 44% notice advertising on big billboards on my way to the shopping centre Commuting to work/study 55% travel by car (alone or car pool) 15% take the bus 18% use the train 4% use the tram/light rail 22% travel an hour or more Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people MOTHERS 1,125,000 PEOPLE (24% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 44% NOTICE ADVERTISING ON BIG BILLBOARDS ON MY WAY TO THE SHOPPING CENTRE MOTHERS
PURCHASE & INTENTION BEHAVIOUR Shopping 35% have no set day when they do their grocery shopping Main Shop: 28% go twice a week or more, 56% go weekly Top up Shop: 47% do two or more a week 37% visit a shopping centre several times a week Technology 69% own/use a smartphone 55% have searched for recipes in the past month 58% use their PC for social networking in the past month Travel 45% are planning an Australian holiday in the next 6 months Of these intending travellers: 61% intend to fly, 34% will drive 59% say they strongly agree/agree to consider taking a cruise Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media View Metro Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: people 18+ and (outdoor advertising really stands out or usually notice) 4,635,000 people MOTHERS 1,125,000 PEOPLE (24% OF PEOPLE 18+ WHO NOTICE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING) 1 IN 5 ARE INTENDING TO PURCHASE A CAR IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS MOTHERS