Nouns singular and plural common and proper nouns
Noun Rules!!! Use your inside voices Do not get mad at team mates or other classmates.
What is it?Common vs Proper Singular vs Plural Name the NounNoun Change (Plural)
What is it? 100 What is a noun?
What is it? 200 What is a common noun?
What is it? 300 What is a plural noun?
What is it? 400 What is a proper noun?
What is it?500 What is a singular noun?
Common vs Proper 100 Martha went to the park.
Common vs Proper200 The dog ate a bone and food.
Common vs Proper300 Andy and Mike went to Wendy’s.
Common vs Proper400 Shane went to Hawaii.
Common vs Proper500 Alexis and Sarah bought a book and pencils.
Singular vs Plural100 house
Singular vs Plural200 dogs
Singluar vs Plural300 cat
Singular vs Plural400 mice
Singular vs Plural 500 Men
Name that Noun100 Pull the wagon faster.
Name that Noun 200 The dog ran around the tree.
Name that Noun300 Larry ate a hamburger.
Name that Noun 400 The girl played tennis at the gym.
Name that Noun 500 Mandy ate pizza at Pizza Hut.
Noun Change100 lake lakes
Noun Change 200 matchmatches
Noun Change300 Gamegames
Noun Change 400 Puppy puppies
Noun Change 500 GooseGeese