Procedimientos de Calidad Curso Refresco ERU WATSAN M15 08’ Monitoring & Reporting
-2- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 2 Contents 1.Monitoring 2. Assessing Water Source Selection (Field Log Book) 3. Monitoring Water Supply (Field Log Book) 4. Reporting
-3- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 3 1. Monitoring
-4- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 4 assessment FACT + ERU National Society assessment MONITORING TRAINING Deployment ERU OUR MISSION
-5- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 5 Planning Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Assessment Assessment of needs: nº litres, nº latrines, etc Monitoring based on indicators MONITORING WHEN?
-6- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 6 Timely Continuous Qualitative / quantitative Log book, photos, reports MONITORING HOW?
-7- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 7 disaster 1 week 1 month Continuous process Women have been consulted and well represented Key members of the community are fully involved in the action Communal washing areas are provided Key members from the community have been consulted. Monitor and maintenance of toilets is done by community. Storage of water in clean, covered containers Adequate water handling practices at household level Lack of faecal matter in vicinity of households Use of safe water for drinking Amount of water per person per day Hand-washing with soap at critical times MONITORING EXAMPLE
-8- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 8 2. Assessing water source selection (Field Log Book)
-11- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 11 Date Source Nº Date Source Nº Date Source Nº Date Source Nº Coliforms (Nº x 100ml) Hardness (mg/l) Conductivity (µS/cm) pH Nitrates (mg/l) Nitrites (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU) SELECTION OF WATER SOURCES
-12- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 12 Water source Nº:_______ Date:__________________ Type of source (River, stream, canal, well, borehole, etc) Current uses of the water source Current uses of water upstream or above the source Current quantity of flow Colour and odour of water Is the water source seasonal? Specify the periods when flow is higher and lower Average walking distance to households Are the surroundings used for defecation? Type of surrounding vegetation Type of surrounding fauna SELECTION OF WATER SOURCES
-13- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 13 NAMES OF WATER SOURCES SOURCE Nº________ (MAIN SOURCE) NAME____________________________________________ SOURCE Nº________ (MAIN SOURCE) NAME____________________________________________ SOURCE Nº________ NAME___________________________________________ SELECTION OF WATER SOURCES
-14- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting Monitoring Water Supply (Field Log Book)
-15- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 15 JAR TEST FLOCCULATION DATE ___________ SITE______________ Jar 6 ____ ml _____NTU Jar 5 ____ ml _____ NTU Jar 4 ____ ml ____ NTU Jar 3 ____ ml ____ NTU Jar 2 ____ ml ____ NTU Jar 1 ____ ml ____ NTU Solution Turbidity
-16- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 16 CHLORINE DEMAND TEST CHLORINATION (MASS WATER) DATE__________ SITE___________ Bucket 6 ____ ml ____mg/l Bucket 5 ____ ml ____ mg/l Bucket 4 ____ ml ____ mg/l Bucket 3 ____ ml ____ mg/l Bucket 2 ____ ml ____ mg/l Bucket 1 ____ ml ____ mg/l SolutionResidual chlorine
-17- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 17 TURBIDITY Dosage pump (%) Turbidity after treatment (NTU) Turbidity after pre-treatment (NTU) Turbidity water source (NTU) Date (Turbidity tests are needed on weekly basis and when visual inspection shows some changes in water qualities)
-18- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 18 COLIFORMS, ALUMINIUM AND HARDNESS (Outlet of water treatment plant) Hardness (mg/l) Aluminum (mg/l) Coliforms (Nº x 100ml) Date
-19- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 19 DATE____________ SITE____________________ RESIDUAL CHLORINE (mg/l) Time Place 3rd chamberDosage pump (%) Outlet of WTP Dosage pump (%) Chlorine at the exit of the settlement tank: 0,1 mg/l – 0.3 mg/l Residual chlorine at the exit of the plant: 0.6 mg/l – 1.0 mg/l
-20- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 20 DATE___________ SITE_________________ WATER PRODUCTION (in litres) PLANT Nº_____ Stop Start Total today TOTAL WATER PRODUCTION ( in litres) SITE Total operation yesterday Total operation today
-21- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 21 TOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION SITE (in litres) (Name of the site where water is transported and supplied by SRC and/or the organization that supplies water from SRC) Name Litres Total today Total operation yesterday TOTAL OPERATION
-22- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 22 WATER DISTRIBUTION. RESIDUAL CHLORINE This table records the residual chlorine data obtained in the different places where the treated water from the SRC site is supplied. Samples should be taken from the taps. It is also convenient to specify where the water is supplied from a static tank or from a tanker directly to the users. The samples can be taken daily or randomly in different days. PlaceTimeChlorine Residual chlorine at the taps: 0.3 mg/l – 0.6 mg/l
-23- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 23 WATER DISTRIBUTION POINTS This table records all the water points where the treated water from the SRC site is supplied. The type of storage should also be recorded (static, 5,000 l. bladder tank, static 10,000 l. Oxfam tank, 7,000 l. tanker, etc). The table also includes the date when the tank was set up or the tanker started delivering water and the date when the service finishes or the tank was dismantled. Location & type of storageStarting date Finishing date
-24- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 24 FUEL SITE_______________ DATE____________ PETROL (in litres) Total op. yesterday Today TOTAL OPERATION DIESEL (in litres) Total op. yesterday Today TOTAL OPERATION
-25- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 25 COLIFORMS AND HARDNESS (MASS WATER) (Outlet of water treatment) SITE___________________________________ Hardness (mg/l) Coliforms (Nº x 100ml) Date
-26- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 26 RESIDUAL CHLORINE (MASS WATER) (Contact time in the tank 30 min.) Residual chlorine at the end of treatment: 0.6 mg/l – 1.0 mg/l TimeTank nº Place Outlet of the tank TURBIDITY (MASS WATER) ( Contact time in the tank 30 min.) (Turbidity after flocculation must be ≤ 5 NTU) Time Tank nº Before flocculation (NTU) After flocculation (NTU) ALUMINIUM (MASS WATER) ( < 0.2 mg/l) Time Tank nºAfter treatment ( mg/l)
-27- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 27 Spreadsheet
-28- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting Reporting
-29- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 29 Reporting Qualitative data Quantitative data REPORTING
-30- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 30 How is the information ? S Specific M Measurable A Accessible R Realistic T Timely
Watsan M15 ERU Reporting format _________________________________________________________ _______________________ Reporting period: Location: Type of ERU: Deploying National Society: ERU Team Leader: _________________________________________________________ _______________________ 1. Preamble / Context: (gives a short brief on the current situation) 2. Main tasks / activities during the reporting period 2.1 Water Supply 2.2 Sanitation 2.3 Hygiene promotion 3. Personal issues 4. Security situation 5. Outstanding needs for the ERU operation 6. Recommendations/Plans for the future. 7. Co-ordination with other agencies and NGOs/Meetings attended/Visitors to the ERU. 8. Conclusion.
-32- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 32 Monitoring reporting activity Hand over
-33- WATSAN M15 ERU Monitoring & reporting 33 Thank you……….