Sign Inventory Rule – 37.I
Types of signs Inventoried Outdoor Advertising Official and Directional Public Service Notice Service Clubs Small Business Religious Notice
Permitting Procedures Violations and Penalties Transfers and Modifications Cancelations and Removals
Location: physical description and GPS Type classification Size and number of faces Configuration and type of construction Owner information Zoning designation Status of the permitted site Historical
Goal : To create a software solution that will …. 1. Integrate sign inventory 2. Capture documents 3. Track the permit application workflow 4. Implement and track invoicing procedures.
MDOT is recognized as a leader in the area of outdoor advertising control with national awards in 2009 and 2012 for streamlining and Integration of Outdoor Advertising Control AWARDS
Presented to : MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORTATION Maintenance Division Presented by: FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION At: AASHTO Meeting on May 2 nd 2012 in Portland, Oregon
AASHTOware is evaluating the development of ODAweb into an AASHTOware product that could be available to all member states.