Open minds. Open doors. TM Capstone Design Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Open minds. Open doors. TM M.I.M.E. Capstone Design M.I.M.E. Capstone Design Engineering Methods House of Quality (Parmigiani) Purpose in Capstone Design Template and Components Timeline Examples Responsibility *(Funk) Requirements (Funk) Project Awarding (Funk)
Open minds. Open doors. TM House of Quality Purpose in Capstone Design Provides a concise diagram of project requirements Translates vague, imprecise requirements from sponsor into measurable specifications (CRs and Ers) Prioritizes project requirements and provides grading criteria for winter term (Weightings) Documents specifically how the implementation will be tested (Testing Plans) Documents, concisely, how the specified design meets requirements (Design Links) Documents agreement of faculty advisor, sponsor mentor, course instructor, and student team (Signatures) Helps you succeed! If HoQ is new to you, see The House of Quality by Hauser and Clausing (available on course web site)
Open minds. Open doors. TM HoQ: Template and Components Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ERs) CRs Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor: Modification of HoQ from Hauser and Clausing (ME 382) Use this format for your project’s HoQ Add more rows for CR’s and columns for ER’s as necessary (likely will add many) Use a fold-out on large paper as necessary for your reports (must be legible!) More information when report templates are discussed in a later lecture Let’s have a look at each component of this HoQ …
Open minds. Open doors. TM Approvals Indicates agreement of what is to be accomplished and how it will be tested No credit for unapproved HoQ Complete, fully approved HoQ is required to take ME / IE 498 It may take several days to obtain signatures from out-of-town sponsors HoQ is the contract between you, the sponsor, and MIME of what must be accomplished. It is the most important document in Capstone Design! Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Customer Requirements (CRs) A complete listing, in the “language of the sponsor”, of what must be done Each CR deals with one concept (e.g don’t group “Small” and “Lightweight”) Example: “Device must be lightweight” One sponsor requirement may generate several CR’s (e.g. “Portable”) Must be approved by team, sponsor mentor, faculty advisor, course instructor Project scope defined in CR's... pay close attention! Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Weightings Indicate relative importance of each CR (greater weighting more important) Total of 250 points to distribute among CRs (i.e. sum of all weightings = 250) Example: “Device must be lightweight” given weighting of 50. Low Technical Effort (LTE) CRs: Not given numerical weighting, but must be met. Must be approved by team, sponsor mentor, faculty advisor, course instructor Very important in grading Evaluation 1 and Evaluation 2 in winter term Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Engineering Requirements (ERs) Define CRs in terms of technical, measurable specifications Generated from Customer Requirements (One CR may generate several ERs) Example: CR “Device must be lightweight” maps to ER “Weighs less than 20 lb” Used in specifying and evaluating design concepts Must be approved by team, sponsor mentor, faculty advisor, course instructor Ability to properly test and satisfy ERs constitutes 50% of winter term grade Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Target (w/ tolerance) The Target is the design-to value for an ER (value to use in calculations) The Tolerance (+/- value, <>, etc.) defines the amount of permissible variation Example: ER “Weighs less than 20 lb” has Target “15lb”, Tolerance “<20lb” ER satisfied if test result = target value within tolerance Must be approved by team, sponsor mentor, faculty advisor, course instructor Don’t use the extreme-permitted ER value as the design-to value! Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Testing Plan A technically convincing description of how an ER will be proven to be satisfied A number in the HoQ corresponds to a textual description later in the report Example: ER “Weighs less than 20 lb” might have TP “Place on certified scale” Every ER must have a corresponding test plan Must be approved by team, sponsor mentor, faculty advisor, course instructor Think about feasibility, you must execute the plan exactly as you specify! Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Design Link A one paragraph description of how the design meets an ER A number in the HoQ corresponds to a textual description later in the report Example: ER “Weighs less than 20 lb” has DL “ … fabricate with aluminum …” Every ER must have a corresponding design link Must be approved by team, sponsor mentor, faculty advisor, course instructor DL’s should arise naturally from your design process Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Penalty Deductions from Evaluation 1 and/or Evaluation 2 scores Incurred due to winter term, partially unjustified, changes to HoQ Examples given in later lecture HoQ-change requests in winter term are via petition process (later lecture) Penalty is determined by course instructor associated with your project Avoid penalties by giving careful thought to the HoQ in fall term! Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Evaluation 1 E1 measures extent to which the "build" is done and testing can begin Must be able to fully execute testing plan (passing test not required for E1) Must be good-faith effort to pass test E1 grade is based on CR weightings Can execute testing plan for all ER's mapped to a CR, E1 score for CR = weighting Can't execute testing plan for all ER's mapped to CR, E1 score for CR = zero Must be able to test all ER’s mapped to LTE CR’s to conduct E1 (else E1 grade = zero) E1 grade = sum of scores (zero to 250 points), 25% of winter term course grade Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor:
Open minds. Open doors. TM Customer Requirements WeightingPenalty E1 Score E2 Score Engineering Requirements (ER's) CR's Target (w/ tolerance) Testing Procedure (TP#) Design Link (DL#) Approval (print name, sign, and date): Team member 1:Faculty Advisor: Team member 2:Sponsor Mentor: Team member 3:Course Instructor: Evaluation 2 E2 measures extent to which CR’s are met Must be able pass tests E2 grade is based on CR weightings Pass tests (w/ tolerance) for all ER's mapped to a CR, E2 score = weighting Don't pass tests for all ER's mapped to CR, E2 score = zero Must pass tests for all ER’s mapped to LTE CR’s to conduct E2 (else E2 grade = zero) E2 grade = sum of scores (zero to 250 points), 25% of winter term course grade
Open minds. Open doors. TM HoQ: Timeline Part 1*: CR's and Weightings due week 3 fall term Include in Background Report Part 2*: ER’s, Targets, and Tolerances due week 5 fall term Include in Preliminary Proposal Part 3*: Testing Plan and Design Links due week 10 fall term Include in Final Proposal Any element of the HoQ can be changed, with approvals (all signatures), in fall term without penalty Any changes made during winter term will still require approvals but may incur a penalty (more on this next lecture) * Each part requires signatures of students, mentor, advisor, and instructor
Open minds. Open doors. TM House of Quality Product Example Original requirement from Sponsor Portable Customer Requirement One person can easily carry across a room Weighting 20 Engineering Requirements Weighs 12” (3 ER’s) Target 15 lb, largest dimension of 10” Tolerance +5/-15 lb, +2/-10" OR < 20lb, < 12" (include units!) Test Plan (Summary, you’ll need more detail) 1. Weigh, 2. Inspect for sharp edges, 3.Measure Design Link (Summary, you’ll need more detail) 1. Material selection, 2. Fabrication method, 3. Component sizing Customer Requirements WeightPenaltyE1E2 Engineering Requirements (ER's) Weight < 20 lbs No sharp edges No dimension > 12” One person can easily carry across a room 20XXX Target (w/ tol.) 15 lb < 20 lb - 10” <12” TP#123 DL#123
Open minds. Open doors. TM Requirement from Sponsor All control knobs labeled in English, German, and French Customer Requirements All control knobs labeled in English, German, and French Weighting LTE (Low Technical Effort) Engineering Requirements All control knobs labeled in English, German, and French Target & Tolerance N/A Test Plan (Summary) 4. Professor from German / French depts. verifies labels meet needs Design Link (Summary) 4. Describe how label material selection and size are appropriate House of Quality Product Example Customer Requirements WeightPenaltyE1E2 Engineering Requirements (ER's) Weight < 20 lbs No sharp edges No dimension > 12” All control knobs labeled in English, German, and French One person can easily carry across a room 20XXX All control knobs labeled in English, German, and French LTEX Target (w/ tol.) 15 lb < 20 lb - 10” <12” N/A TP#1234 DL#1234
Open minds. Open doors. TM Requirement from Sponsor Water flow rate of 10 in 3 /min Customer Requirements Water flow rate of at least 10 in 3 /min within 1 sec. of activation, never a flow rate greater than 20 in 3 /min (2 CRs) Weighting 30, 35 Engineering Requirements Flow > 10 in 3 /min within 1 sec, Flow < 20 in 3 /min (2 ERs) Target 12 in 3 /min in 0.8 sec, maximum flow of 17 in 3 /min. Tolerance >10 in 3 /min, <1 sec, <20 in 3 /min Test Plan (summary) 5. Using flow meter and timing device, measure flow rates. Design Link (summary) 5 & 6 Describe how piping, pump, and valve selection satisfies these ERs Customer Requirements WeightPenaltyE1E2 Engineering Requirements (ER's) Flow > 10 in 3 /min within 1 sec Flow < 20 in 3 /min Flow rate of at least 10 in 3 /min within 1 sec 30X Flow always < 20 in 3 /min35X Target (w/Tol) 12 (>10) in 3 /min in 0.8 (<1) sec 17(<20) in 3 /min TP#55 DL#56 House of Quality Product Example
Open minds. Open doors. TM Requirement from Sponsor Design a process that maximizes manufacturing flexibility Customer Requirements Maximize Volume Flexibility, Maximize Product Mix Flexibility Weighting 80, 70 Engineering Requirements Some ERs are unique to a CR; whereas, others are common Targets Mix of types of target measures Tolerance Vary depending on type of measure Test Plan 1. Count/Audit, 2. Sample for 3 days, 3.Measure, 4. Audit, 5. Sample for 2 weeks Design Link For each ER, explain how your process design meets this requirements House of Quality Process Example Customer Requirements WeightPenaltyE1E2 Engineering Requirements (ER's) Cross- Train Operators Minimize Line Stoppages Maximize Equipment Availability Implement a Material Tracking System Reduce WIP time Maximize Volume Flexibility 80XXX Maximize Product Mix Flexibility 70XXX Target (w/ Tol) 65% +/- 5% 0 < 1/hour 88% +12/-2 % -1, < 2 hours TP12345 DL12345
Open minds. Open doors. TM Requirement from Sponsor The process must be worker-centered Customer Requirements High Worker Autonomy, High Worker Satisfaction, High Worker Safety Weighting 30, 50,70 Engineering Requirements Some ERs are unique to a CR; whereas, others are common Targets Mix of types of target measures, including perceptual measures Tolerance Vary depending on type of measure Test Plan 1. Count/Audit, 2. Measure, 3.Audit, 4. Survey with Likert Scale Design Link For each ER, explain how your process design meets this requirements House of Quality Process Example Customer Requirements WeightPenaltyE1E2 Engineering Requirements (ER's) Cross Train Operators Large Work Space Envelope Create Process Documents High Satisfaction Rating High Worker Autonomy 30XXXX High Worker Satisfaction 50XX High Worker Safety 70XX Target (w/ Tol) 65% +/- 5% 4 > 3 meters >3.5/5.0 TP1234 DL1234
Open minds. Open doors. TM Course Information Project Manager Project Manager Required for each project team Should be available fall, winter, and spring term Single point of contact for team Responsible for Expo display Send an to your project instructor’s GTA with your project number and team manager’s name