Global Sports Summit International Convention on the BUSINESS OF SPORTS th December 2009,FICCI, New Delhi, INDIA
Summit Background We at FICCI believe that Indian sport is at a very nascent stage and has a huge untapped potential both in terms of its talent pool as well as its market value. Indian talent is being sourced out from here for a large number of sports and marketed in the international markets. It gets the backing of international brands at international arena's This is the right time that we should nurture sports in our home Turf and make it BIG hence Turfs a two day summit on the “Business Of Sports” will focus precisely on this. Turfs-2009, has United Kingdom as a partner country & we are expecting Ethiopia to be the Focus country. Indian Olympic Association (IOC) is supporting the summit and we expect similar support from All India University Association having more than colleges as members. Leading international sports stars and Olympic medalists are going to speak at the summit and speakers are also expected from countries such as UK, Netherlands, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Spain and Ethiopia
Summit Highlights: Biggest Global Convention in India on the Business of Sports Participations of Global Sports Media and Sports Industries Conglomerates Strong participation from Government at all levels Dedicated workshop for sports branding, marketing & logistics Awards ceremony and Cultural Event Who’s who of Indian sports industry Business delegations from many countries UK as a partner country Ethiopia as the focus country Tremendous networking opportunities Research Report on Sports Industry and Legal Framework Structured Seminars and Panel Discussions involving eminent overseas and Indian speakers A dedicated exhibition market place, B2B and B2G meetings for business tie-ups Showcasing of technologies Networking Lunches, Cocktails and Dinners Entertainment evenings
Event Format: Conference Exhibition B2B & B2G Meetings Specialised Workshops Cultural Evening and Awards ceremony
Conference Agenda
Sponsorship Opportunities Principal Sponsor-01-Rs.15 Lacs. Platinum Sponsor-02-Rs.10 Lacs. Gold Sponsors-03-Rs. 5 Lacs. Session Sponsor-10 -Rs. 5 Lacs. Networking Dinner Sponsor-01-Rs. 8 Lacs. Networking Lunch Sponsor-02-Rs. 5 Lacs. Sports Lounge Sponsor-01-Rs. 5 Lacs. Delegate Kit Sponsor-01-Rs. 5 Lacs. Badge Sponsor Rs. 3 lacs
Principal Sponsor At all places Principal Sponsor logos will be displayed. Principal Sponsor logo to be most prominently displayed at the main mall behind the head Senior official from Principal Sponsor to be a speaker at the inaugural Session. Signage’s prominently displayed at the registration area carrying Principal Sponsor logo. Signage’s prominently displayed at the pre-functional area carrying Principal Sponsor logo. Banner, bunting, flags, promotional material outside and within convention center numbering more than 50 to carry Principal Sponsor logo at the Convention Partner. Prime space measuring 12 sq meters, inside the exhibition venue to be provided to Principal Sponsor to put up refreshment lounge a complete “Principal Sponsor Experience Partner” VIP/Speaker lounge to be branded as “FICCI- Principal Sponsor VIP Lounge” Newspaper advertisement to carry Principal Sponsor logo
Principal Sponsor Programme copy printed at the time of Convention will prominently carry Principal Sponsor logo. Platforms- newspaper, online multimedia campaign publications and journals. Brochure of FICCI Turf, distributed twice to more than 5000 prospective participants, to carry Principal Sponsor Logo as the Convention Partner. Principal Sponsor Souvenir/ literature in the delegate kit. One full back pack advertisement in the delegate/ speaker profile to be published at the time of Convention. Press Release on TURFS 2009 to mention Principal Sponsor as Convention Partner. Acknowledgement / Principal Sponsor logo on the event website as the Convention Partner.
Principal Sponsor Hoarding on FICCI TURF 2009 at strategic locations in Delhi to carry Principal Sponsor logo as the Convention Partner. (a) Convention role up to be part of all FICCI, regional and states offices. (b) All correspondence letterhead to carry FICCI logo. (c) Special Communication will go to- * All corporate members * All Member Bodies (Chambers of Commerce & Industry Association) * Welcome Gate at the venue will carry Principal Sponsor logo. Ten special Invitee delegates pass for Principal Sponsor for the Convention and all social functions. Principal Sponsor can hold Press Conference at the venue taking advantage of the presence of large number of both Indian and Global media. Principal Sponsor logo to be carried across all platforms- newspaper, online multimedia campaign publications and journals.
Platinum Sponsor At all places Platinum Sponsor logos will be displayed. Platinum Sponsor logo to be prominently displayed at the main mall behind the head Dais (in the logo matrix). Senior official from Platinum Sponsor to be a speaker at the one of the Sessions. Signage’s displayed at the registration area carrying Platinum Sponsor logo. Signage’s displayed at the pre-functional area carrying Platinum Sponsor logo. Banner, bunting, flags, promotional material outside and within convention center numbering more than 50 to carry Platinum Sponsor logo at the Convention Partner. Space measuring 6 sq meters, inside the exhibition venue to be provided to Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor Programme copy printed at the time of Convention will carry Platinum Sponsor logo. Platforms- newspaper, online multimedia campaign publications and journals. Brochure of FICCI Turf, distributed twice to more than 5000 prospective participants, to carry Platinum Sponsor Logo One half pack advertisement in the delegate/ speaker profile to be published at the time of Convention. Press Release on TURFS 2009 to mention Platinum Sponsor as Convention Partner. Acknowledgement / Platinum Sponsor logo on the event website
Platinum Sponsor Hoarding on FICCI TURF 2009 at strategic locations in Delhi to carry Platinum Sponsor logo (a) Convention role up to be part of all FICCI, regional and states offices. (b) All correspondence letterhead to carry FICCI logo. (c) Special Communication will go to- * All corporate members * All Member Bodies (Chambers of Commerce & Industry Association) * Welcome Gate at the venue will carry Platinum Sponsor logo. Five special Invitee delegates pass for Platinum Sponsor for the Convention and all social functions. Platinum Sponsor logo to be carried across all platforms- newspaper, online multimedia campaign publications and journals.
Gold Sponsor At all places Gold Sponsor logos will be displayed. Gold Sponsor logo to be displayed at the main mall behind the head Dais (in the logo matrix). Signage’s displayed at the registration area carrying Gold Sponsor logo. Signage’s at the pre-functional area carrying Gold Sponsor logo. Programme copy printed at the time of Convention will carry Gold Sponsor logo. Platforms- newspaper, online multimedia campaign publications and journals. Brochure of FICCI Turf, distributed twice to more than 5000 prospective participants, to carry Gold Sponsor Logo Press Release on TURFS 2009 to mention Gold Sponsor Acknowledgement / Gold Sponsor logo on the event website Two special Invitee delegates pass for Gold Sponsor for the Convention and all social functions.
Session Sponsor Session Sponsor logo to be displayed outside the main hall saying session sponsored by Signage’s displayed at the registration area carrying Session Sponsor logo. Signage’s at the pre-functional area carrying Session Sponsor logo. Programme copy printed at the time of Convention will carry Session Sponsor logo. Platforms- newspaper, online multimedia campaign publications and journals. Acknowledgement / Session Sponsor logo on the event website One special Invitee delegates pass for Associate Sponsor for the Convention and all social functions.
See You At TURFS-2009