a model for Message Semantics using Social Commitments Christopher Newport University Department of Physics, Computer Science & Engineering Newport News, Virginia, USA Christopher Newport University Department of Physics, Computer Science & Engineering Newport News, Virginia, USA Laval University DAMAS group Quebec City, Quebec, Canada Laval University DAMAS group Quebec City, Quebec, Canada Roberto A. Flores Philippe Pasquier Brahim Chaib-draa 2. Approach 1. Objective 3. Example batch payment Customer Merchant Intermediation Server Intermediation Server NetBill’s Bank NetBill’s Bank Consumer’s Bank Consumer’s Bank Merchant’s Bank Merchant’s Bank account funding 1. Request quote2. Present quote3. Accept quote4. Deliver goods 5. Send EPO6. Send EPO7. Send receipt & key8. Send receipt & key 1. Request quote2. Present quote3. Accept quote4. Deliver goods 5. Send EPO6. Send EPO7. Send receipt & key8. Send receipt & key (4b)accept( -γ ) accept( +δ) (5a)propose( -δ ) inform( key + receipt ) (3a)propose( -β ) inform( encrypted goods ) propose( +γ: SC( c, m, communicate( c, m, EPO ))) (1a)propose( +α: SC( m, c, communicate( m, c, quote))) inform( description ) (1b)accept( +α ) (2a)propose( -α ) inform( quote ) propose( +β: SC( m, c, communicate( m, c, encrypted goods ))) (2b)accept( -α ) accept( +β ) (3b)accept( -β ) accept( +γ ) (4a)propose( -γ ) inform( EPO ) propose( +δ: SC( m, c, communicate( m, c, key + receipt ))) (5b)accept( -δ ) reply: propose( +α ) α reply: propose( -α ) reply: propose( +β ) α reply: propose( -α ) reply: propose( +β ) β β α α β β β reply: propose( -β ) reply: propose( +γ ) β reply: propose( -β ) reply: propose( +γ ) β β γ reply: propose( -γ ) reply: propose( +δ ) γ reply: propose( -γ ) reply: propose( +δ ) γ γ δ δ δ reply: propose( -δ ) δ reply: propose( -δ ) c :Customerm :Merchant compositional level conversational level commitment state level joint activity level RequestingAdoptionToQuote RequestingAdoption ProposingAdoption InactiveCommitment Requesting Proposing SoundProposal SharedProposals SharedCommitments SharedUtterances ToRequest ToPropose Customer RequestQuote InformDescriptionToken RequestQuoteToken NetBill Protocol (Sirbu, 1997)NetBill: Customer & Merchant Interaction NetBill RequestQuote meaning lattice Fourth International Joint Conference on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems AAMAS 2005 Utrecht, The Netherlands July 25-29, 2005 NetBill Messages commitment messageshared commitment store NetBill Interaction Legend joint actions joint activities joint actions joint activities compositional conversational commitment state joint activity social commitments conversations messages 4 Message-meaning layers LAYERS Conversational agreement PFP Protocol for Proposals Commitment states Accepted Rejected Active Violated Fulfilled Inactive Cancelled Adoption2. Violation3. Fulfillment4. Discharge Transitions To support meaning & sequencing of messages in conversations by using Social Commitments 4-Layered Model message meaning: defined based on their use as coordinating devices advancing conversations and the state of commitments that bring about the actions advancing joint activities. 4-Layered Model message meaning: defined based on their use as coordinating devices advancing conversations and the state of commitments that bring about the actions advancing joint activities. Language Use defines two types of meaning: speaker's meaning: messages communicate intent signal meaning: messages coordinate & advance joint activities Protocol for Proposals Pattern α Pattern β a:Agentb:Agent propose Pattern α (a,b) Pattern β (a,b) deadline a:Agentb:Agent accept Pattern β (b,a) a:Agentb:Agent Pattern α (a,b) Pattern β (a,b) deadline reject counter Agent deadline propose Agent deadline counter, reject Agent accept