TIA Technical Committee Report to the Board (TAB O) May 1, 2006 Anil Kripalani, Chair Dan Bart, TIA
2 Technical Committee (TC) Technical Committee typically meets quarterly – Met in January 2006 – TIA TC IPR Standing Committee, Technical Standards Subcommittee (“TSSC”), and Technical Committee are meeting May 2-3, in Baltimore, MD – New BOD members who are NOT represented on the TC are urged to join us.
3 New ANSI President and CEO S. Joe Bhatia has been appointed as the new president and chief executive officer of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Mr. Bhatia, formerly executive vice president and chief operating officer of the international group at TIA member Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (“UL”), was elected at a special meeting of the ANSI Board of Directors and joined ANSI on January 1, Mr. Bhatia will be the Thursday night dinner keynote speaker at Global Standards Collaboration (“GSC-11”) meeting hosted by TIA the week before GLOBALCOMM™2006 in Chicago.
4 TR-47 At the January 2006 TIA Technical Committee meeting, the TC received an update on the new Engineering Committee, TR-47, "Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast" (TM3). These standards are intended to be employed by users and suppliers to promote compatible and interoperable systems to support multicast audio, video, and data requirements for a wide range of commercial and public services (and are anticipated to be important as part of the evolution of 3G services and the demand for “Triple Play“ ). TR-47’s second meeting on November 3, held leadership elections: – Jerry Upton, President and CEO from new TIA member company, J. Upton Consulting, elected TR-47 Chair – Marlis Humphrey, Corporate Director Growth Programs and Commercial Segment Growth, Harris Corporation, elected TR-47 Vice Chair – Subcommittee structures have been determined and technical standards documents planned for balloting mid-year – ETSI provided TIA a copyright license for DVB-H documents.
5 Next-Generation Networks The Technical Committee also received update on our Next-Generation Networks (“NGN”) Focus Group which is helping to focus and map TIA standards work to NGN work being done in other standards fora. – TIA does standards for GigE, IPoS, IMS, VoIP, XXoIP, Broadband for Public Safety, TM3, etc., it is a matter of identifying TIA work under the umbrella of “NGN” – ETSI TISPAN and TTA have indicated a desire for NGN-related communications/coordination with TIA. – TIA was invited to participate in the ITU-T NGN Joint Coordination Activity group (NGN-JCA) and participated in its first meeting on January 20, 2006.
6 HS/NSEP/CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection (“CIP”) activities and Homeland Security initiatives continue to be hot topics. Dan Bart, was re-elected Secretary/Treasurer of the Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Security (“PCIS”) at its April meeting and is principal representative for the Communications Sector at PCIS. TIA is also on the Steering Committee for the recently formed Communications Sector Coordinating Council (“SCC”) and Chair of its Admin WG and the next SCC meeting is scheduled for May 24, to finalize the SCC charter and elect more Steering Committee participants. Dan co-chaired ANSI HSSP Plenary in September 2006 and moderated ANSI HSSP Emergency Communications Workshop, December 14 and 15, at NIST. In March, TIA was named by DHS to a seat on the Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council.
7 HS/NSEP/CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection (“CIP”) activities and Homeland Security initiatives continue to be hot topics. Communications SCC provided comments on the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (“NIPP”) Base Plan, under Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 (“HSPD-7”), on December 5 and a second set of comments in early 2006, and final NIPP is awaiting Presidential approval. Communications Sector will next work on the Sector-Specific Plan under HSPD-7, and SSPs are to be finalized 6 months after NIPP release. TIA staff also covers the President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (“NSTAC”) NS/EP NGN Task Force, NSTAC R&D Task Force, the National Coordinating Center (“NCC”) Task Force and was asked to be Subject Matter Expert for the NSTAC Emergency Communications and Interoperability Task Force (“ECITF”). Dan Bart and Matt Flanigan will attend NSTAC meetings on May 9-10 in DC. TIA staff also participated on the Presidents’ National Infrastructure Advisory Council (“NIAC”) Working Groups on Sector Partnership Model and Intelligence Community coordination, and since last BOD meeting, NIAC Chem/Bio/Rad Working Group (“CBRWG”).
8 Global Standards Collaboration The Heads of Delegation to GSC accepted a TIA offer to host and chair Global Standards Collaboration (“GSC-11”) the week before the GLOBALCOMM™ 2006 show in Chicago and planning is well underway with final HoD planning call scheduled for May 11. The TIA Delegation is meeting and reviewing the contributions that TIA will be making to the GSC-11 meeting. There will be a holdover of the HoDs for GLOBALCOMM™ for content presentations on standardized technologies in the Regions 1, 2, and 3 and all Delegates are invited to attend GLOBALCOMM™.
9 TC Intelligent Transport Systems ITS America is current Secretariat to ISO TC- 204 and US Technical Advisory Group (“TAG”) Administrator. – TIA will be assuming both these roles mid-year – Twenty TIA Members/ECPs active in ITS Work and TIA has been Working Group 16 Administrator (“WAG-16”) – Wide Area Communications/protocols and interfaces -- for over a decade. – Opportunity to attract automotive sector participation to TIA. – “ICT in the Vehicle” Workshop being planned by ITU/ISO/IEC for early next year in Geneva in conjunction with Geneva Auto Show
10 Standards and Technology TIA has been asked by the Access Board to consider participating on an Advisory Committee to update the access standards for ICT equipment. ANSI United States Standards Strategy (“USSS”) Committee completed its work and ANSI Board approved it at ANSI BOD December meeting. Joe Bhatia, new ANSI President, chaired the USSS Committee TC reviewed the USSS at its January meeting, considering endorsing the USSS as we did the prior ANSI National Standards Strategy (“NSS”). Project MESA met in April in Boston, and now has participation from USA, Canada, EU, India, Australia, Korea, and Japan. Several industry technology proposals made to MESA MESA-12 Press Release included in Board books
11 Questions?