Welcome to IEEE IWQoS 2007! Yan Chen Chen-Nee Chuah IWQoS 2007
Technical Program 48 TPC members Received 64 submissions – Each paper is assigned to 4 reviewers 17 full papers (26% acceptance rate) and 8 short papers (total 35%) were accepted 7 technical sessions spanning over two days
Acknowledgements Finance Chair: Aleksandar Kuzmanovic (Northwestern Univ.) Publicity Chair: Haining Wang (College of William and Mary) Web Chair: Lihua Yuan (UC Davis) Steering Committee: – Nina Bhatti, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, USA – Hermann De Meer, University of Passau, Germany – Baochun Li, U of Toronto, Canada – Yang Richard Yang, Yale University, USA – David Yau, Purdue University, USA – Zhi-Li Zhang, U of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA IEEE and Northwestern Staff Members Northwestern student volunteers Sponsor: Mirage Networks
Best Student Paper Award Candidates: Competitive and Considerate Congestion Control for Bulk Data Transfers Shao Liu, Milan Vojnovic, Dinan Gunawardena PIQI-RCP: Design and Analysis of Rate-Based Explicit Congestion Control, Saurabh Jain, Dmitri Loguinov Fairness Attacks in the Explicit Control Protocol, Christo Wilson, Chris Coakley, Ben Y. Zhao
Best Student Paper Award Winner Competitive and Considerate Congestion Control for Bulk Data Transfers Shao Liu, Milan Vojnovic, Dinan Gunawardena
Logistics Dinner at Mt Everest Restaurant – Map handed out during registration and available at the registration desk – Need head count for dinners, both today and tomorrow Campus tour tomorrow afternoon after the workshop – Tour guide handed out and available at registration desk – Form 3~4 groups at the end of workshop
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Randy Katz United Microelectronics Corporation Distinguished Professor in EECS Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE Member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) >250 papers, book sold 85,000 copies Co-inventor of RAID, $15 billion/year Established whitehouse.gov