A Study of Authority (4) The Nature of Authority: Specific and Generic
In our study thus far: What is authority? How to establish authority? Examining the “new hermeneutic” Today – the nature of authority Also additions & aids
Specific authority Consider the details of a blueprint – it must be followed exactly! When something is specified, there is no room for deviation. By its nature it excludes all other options
Specific authority Joshua 1:7-8, “do not turn to the right hand or to the left” The tabernacle and priestly service ( Exodus 25-28, cf. 25:40, 26:30, 27:8, etc.) Noah in building the ark – type of wood, size, decks, etc. ( Gen. 6:14-16 )
Specific authority Numbers 20:7-11, Moses disobeys God’s specific instructions Naaman told to dip in Jordan River 7 times ( 2 Kings 5: ) John 9:7, Blind man to wash in pool of Siloam.
Specific authority - Today Matt. 28:19, Go, make disciples of all nations – - GO is specified – not going is not an option - All nations – no authority to exclude nations or peoples (though a timeframe was established Acts 1:8 )
Specific authority - Today Ephesians 5:19, Col. 3:16, Sing, singing to one another, teaching - Singing – not playing instruments - To one another – not choirs or entertainment Teaching – must be scriptural Psalms, hymns & spiritual songs – NOT pop music, orchestra pieces
Specific authority - Today 1 Timothy 2:9, “modest apparel” - We must determine what is modest – using God’s standard (propriety, moderation, etc.) - That which is NOT modest is not authorized!
Generic authority Consider the details of a blueprint – while much is specified, perhaps some details are left up to discretion of builder or buyer – color, type of flooring, etc. Generic authority means we have discretion in carrying out some aspect of a command. It is inclusive and gives us choices
Generic authority Noah, while given many specifics, he could choose which tools or resources he could use Matt. 28:19, Go make disciples – HOW to go not specified – walk, sail, chariot, animal, etc. How to teach not specified – public, house to house, written or oral, etc.
Generic authority – today Ephesians 5:19, sing – the type of song is not specified – unison, harmony, responsive, fast, slow, etc. – our choice
Generic authority – today Matthew 28:19, Go! – how we go not specified – train, car, plane, walking, ship, etc. Teach – write, publicly or privately, use s, internet, newspapers, correspondence courses, etc. Gospel meetings.
Generic authority – today Hebrews 10:25, Assembling – necessitates a place – no specified – a building, rent a store front, meet in a home, at a school, etc. HOW many times we assemble not specified (though it must be at least once on Sunday)
Generic authority – thoughts Generic authority always based upon a command – it addresses how to carry out some part of that command (which is not specified) NOT a blank check to do whatever you want to do! We must respect limitations Silence is NOT generic authority! Most commands have a degree of both specific and generic authority
Aids vs Additions An aid helps us facilitate a command A building is an expedient to help us assemble (along with the amenities that help us carry out authorized work) Singing – pitch pipes, song books, a song leader, etc.
Aids vs Additions An aid helps us facilitate a command Lord’s Supper – trays & cups Teaching - PowerPoint, black boards, bulletins – help us teach the gospel (sometimes more clearly – remember that Jesus used illustrations).
Aids vs Additions In utilizing aids: They are left unspecified in scripture (non-essentials, non- binding) They are expedient (helpful) They should edify – rather than divide ( 1 Cor. 10:23 )
Aids vs Additions An addition is something of a different kind than the command. It is outside the boundaries of a command.
Aids vs Additions Instrumental music is an addition. It is a different KIND of music than singing. God specified “sing”, NOT “make music” ( Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16, 1 Cor. 14:15, etc.)
Aids vs Additions Instrumental music : Some argue, “make melody” in Eph. 5:19 authorizes instruments. But notice the text – that which we “pluck” is mentioned – in our hearts. We use our hearts in singing!
Aids vs Additions Instrumental music: Some argue, “make melody” in Eph. 5:19 authorizes instruments. But notice the text – that which we “pluck” is mentioned – in our hearts. We use our hearts in singing!
Aids vs Additions Instrumental music: Some say the instrument is an expedient (an aid) – NO! It is a different TYPE of music than singing (singing and playing are parallel types of music) A specific instrument would be an aid if we were commanded to play!
Aids vs Additions Instrumental music: Some say the instrument is an aid to facilitate our singing (like a cane aids in walking) NO! IM is a different type of activity than singing! (a cane is not a type of walking, it aids one in walking) To say IM is an aid to singing is akin to saying a cane and walking are different & equal forms of “going” The arguments are NOT parallel
Aids vs Additions We are NOT to add to God’s word! Deut. 12:32 Rev. 22: Cor. 4:6 Proverbs 30:5-6
In studying authority, we need reason as we apply God’s word to our lives. Let us always respect His boundaries