JANE EYRE TEST REVIEW PICK UP ONE PIECE OF COMPUTER PAPER AS YOU ENTER (YOU MAY CHOOSE THE COLOR/STYLE) PICK UP YOUR JANE EYRE BOOK Test Format 40 Multiple Choice Questions 2 Cold Read Passages per location - Gateshead - Lowood - Thornfield - Ferndean 5 questions per passage
JANE EYRE TEST REVIEW Major Test Concepts: - Jane’s character development - Jane’s pursuit of independence - Issues of social class and gender - Jane’s relationship with various characters (Mrs. Reed, John Reed, Helen, Rochester) - Identification and analysis of literary devices such as figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and theme
JANE EYRE REVIEW SHEET Step 1. Take your paper and fold it into 4 sections. Step 2: Label each square like you see below. Step 3: Fill out the information for the novel that is required below. GatesheadLowood Thornfield Ferndean 1. Description of the location + a quote to support that 2. List of significant people at that location + a quote to describe those characters 3. Thematic connections to independence, social class, or gender + a quote to support the development of that theme 4. Jane’s character development: what is she like + a quote to support that 1. Description of the location + a quote to support that 2. List of significant people at that location + a quote to describe those characters 3. Thematic connections to independence, social class, or gender + a quote to support the development of that theme 4. Jane’s character development: what is she like + a quote to support that 1. Description of the location + a quote to support that 2. List of significant people at that location + a quote to describe those characters 3. Thematic connections to independence, social class, or gender + a quote to support the development of that theme 4. Jane’s character development: what is she like + a quote to support that 1. Description of the location + a quote to support that 2. List of significant people at that location + a quote to describe those characters 3. Thematic connections to independence, social class, or gender + a quote to support the development of that theme 4. Jane’s character development: what is she like + a quote to support that Pages we read in class: Gateshead – Ch 1 and 2 Lowood – Ch 6 (54-58), 7 (69-73), and 9 (88-90) Thornfield – Ch 11 ( ), Ch 15 ( ), Ch 26 ( ) Ferndean – Ch 37 ( ), Ch 38 ( )