Lexington Convention and Visitors Bureau Off the Shelf Software Solution
Lexington, Kentucky Bureau Budget $3 Million Staff - 18 Full Time Convention Center - In the process of Expanding. 100% funded by Hotel Occupancy Tax.
Lexington currently maintains 19 databases.
Database Information Primary database information on Convention Sales/Tourism Sales/Visitor Information/Sports Authority/African American/Communications/Industry Partners. Each bureau area has specific interests and tracking needs - GoldMine provides the flexibility needed.
Shared Calendar throughout all databases
Convention Sales Tracking
Tourism Sales Tracking
Visitor Information Tracking
Industry Partners Database - Attractions
Industry Partners Database - Hotels
Industry Partners Database - Restaurants
Industry Partners Database - Products & Services
Communications/PR Tracking
History of users is tied to Account
Benefits Calendar information is shared between databases History of accounts is shared between users. Creation of fields is simple Tracking of information, based on the bureau area is quick and easy. Works well with Microsoft Office and with the Internet.
Sales Leads and Definites are processed directly from the database. Convention Services Directory is also processed directly from the database. Reports from every area of the bureau are created from the database. Future plans call for a direct link from the database to our website.
Challenges Tourism Sales (Group) did not adapt as quickly as other areas. Office is not using the software to its fullest extent. Standard reporting included with software is weak.
GoldMine Pricing GoldMine Single-User$ 295 GoldMine Five-User$895 GoldMine 25-User$2995