ROTATIONAL AND RENNER-TELLER ANALYSES OF THE GROUND AND EXCITED STATE LEVELS OF THE JET-COOLED CS 2 ION Dennis J. Clouthier & Sheng-Gui He Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky Lexington, KY
Pulsed Discharge Jet Apparatus Precursor & Argon
Discharge Jet Spectroscopy Molecules: SiH 2, SiF 2, SiCl 2, HSiF, HSiCl, HSiBr, HSiI, H 2 C=Si GeH 2, GeF 2, GeCl 2, HGeCl, HGeBr, HGeI, H 2 C=Ge Free Radicals: SiCH, SiCCl, GeCH, Ge 2, FS 2, HPCl, HPBr, BS 2 BF 2, BCl 2, HBF, HBCl, HBBr, HCCS, HCCSe Ions: ???
Discharge Circuit * + ˉ
Jet-Cooled Ions Detected by LIF Cations CO 2 +, N 2 O +, C 6 F 6 +, HCP +, CS 2 + Anions SCCS ˉ S 2 ˉ ? M. Nakajima, Y. Yoneda, Y. Sumiyoshi, T. Nagata, and Y. Endo, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 7805 (2003)
CS 2 + History Low resolution emission spectra (Barrow, 1950) B-X high resolution emission spectra (Callomon, 1958) A-X medium resolution emission spectra (Balfour, 1976) Matrix studies of LIF and emission spectra (Bondybey, 1980) Photoelectron spectra of X and A state vibronic levels (Ng, 1997, 2001) No LIF or emission spectra of jet-cooled CS 2 + or Renner- Teller fit. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
LIF Spectrum of CS 2 +
Fermi Resonance in the CS 2 + LIF Spectrum
Br High-Resolution LIF Spectrum
CS 2 + MO’s and Structures 2u2u 2g2g …(2 u ) 4 (2 g ) 3 X 2 g ~ …(2 u ) 3 (2 g ) 4 A 2 u ~ r" = (10) r' = (12)
CS 2 + Emission Spectra
Major Fitted Constants Parameter XA ExperimentAb InitioExperimentAb Initio 1 (12) (47)576.8 2 (67) (44)297.0 (24) (57)0.251 A (48) (97) W1W (76)15.803(39)--- W2W2 1.07(31)--- rms ~ ~
Comparison of CS 2 + and BS 2 Parameter XA CS 2 + BS 2 CS 2 + BS 2 1 (12) (47) 2 (67) (44) (24) (57) A (48) (97) W1W (76) (39) W2W2 1.07(31) rms ~ ~
Ground State Energy Levels
Excited State Energy Levels
PFI-PE Spectra J. Liu et al., J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 2183 (2001) measured extensive PFI-PE spectra of CS 2 CS 2 + (A 2 u ) at ±4 cm -1 resolution. Spectra assigned based on ab initio potential. We have reanalyzed spectrum using our assignments. Fit 45 energy levels to rms of 2.17 cm -1. Derived constants in good agreement with more precise LIF constants. ~
Ground and excited state molecular structures. Renner-Teller analysis for both states. Spin-orbit splittings accurately determined. Fermi resonances treated quantitatively in both states. PFI-PE data fitted.