MMDAs’ Departments and their Functions
ADMINISTRATIVE DECENTRALISATION IN GHANA Administrative decentralization is a major pillar in the conceptual framework of Ghana’s decentralization policy which involves the restructuring of central administration. This is in accordance with Sect 240(1); 240(2)(a)(b)(c)(d) of Chapter 20 of the 1992 Constitution. The main policy objective of the Administrative Decentralization is “to improve the administrative and human resource capacity of the MMDAs and other local government stakeholders to ensure quality service delivery”. Fusion of decentralized departments and Local Government into one Administrative Unit (LI 1961)
ROLES MDAs RCCs MMDAs CENTRAL REGIONAL LOCAL POLICY/ LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR ADMINISTRATIVE DECENTRALISATION (Roles in different levels) LEVEL INSTITUTIONS ROLES CENTRAL MDAs focusing on: policy formulation, M&E and standard setting REGIONAL RCCs assigned with functional responsibility to: harmonize, coordinate and monitor national level policies & programs and local level priorities LOCAL MMDAs assigned with functional responsibility for : policy formulation within the context of national sectoral policies, local level integrated development planning through sectoral coordination, resource mobilization and implementation of development policies and programs
L.I 1961: (ENTRANCE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECENTRALIZATION) DEPARTMENTS OF DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES . COMMENCEMENT Legislative Instrument (L.I) 1961 which seeks to operationalise the decentralised departments at the local level as the departments of the District Assemblies. Date of Gazette notification: 18th December, 2009. Entry into force: 25th February, 2010.
OBJECTIVES OF LI 1961 (DEPARTMENTS OF DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES COMMENCEMENT) The commencement of the functioning of the decentralized departments at the district level as Departments of the District Assemblies; The transfer of the staff of the Departments of the District Assemblies from the Civil Service to the Local Government Service; The transfer of the functions in the Third Schedule to this Instrument (L.I 1961) to the relevant Departments of the District Assemblies; The introduction of the composite budget system at the district level by integrating the budgets of the Departments of the District Assemblies into the budgets of the District Assemblies;
List any six departments you know in your Assembly Group Work List any six departments you know in your Assembly With examples, can you tell us how they (any three of them) work together?
LI 1961 - SCHEDULE 1 (REGULATION 1A) Parks & Garden Physical Planning Dept. will start with Parks & garden Unit under Schedule 1 Dept. of Trade & Industry will start with Cottage industry Unit under Schedule 1 s:
LI 1961 – SCHEDULE 2 (REGULATION 1B) Parks & garden and Town & Country Planning units will merge to form a Physical Planning Dept under Schedule 2 Cottage industry & cooperative units will merge to form a Dept. of Trade & Industry under Schedule 2
DISTRICT DEPARTMENTAL ORGANOGRAM (FUNCTIONAL) APPENDIX 1A DISTRICT DEPARTMENTAL ORGANOGRAM (FUNCTIONAL) DCE Internal Audit DCD DPCU (DPO = Secretary) Social Sector Infrastructure Sector Financial Sector Environmental Sector Economic Sector Education, Youth & Sports Dept. SW & CD Dept. District Health Dept. Works Dept. Physical Planning Dept. Trade, Industry & Tourism Dept. Agric Dept. Disaster Prevention Dept. Natural Resources Conservation Treasury Revenue Mobilization Education Section Sports Section SW Section CD Section DMOH Section R. Birth & Death Section Building section (Works & R. Housing) Water Section Feeder Roads Section T&CP Section P&G Section Coop Section Cottage Industry Section Fire Section NADMO Section Refugee Section Game & Wildlife Section Forestry Section Animal Health and Production Section Crop Services Section Agric Extension Section Agric Engineering Section Fisheries Section Youth Section Basic Education Unit Non-Formal Education Unit Library section Finance Dept. Levies Internal Disaster Environ Health Central Administration Dept. Records 11 Depts. PAU (Public Affairs Unit) Admin, Planning & Budget Sectors Estate Transport Logistics Procurement Administration HR Mgt. Store Tourism Section Food & Nutrition Planning Budget & rating MIS
MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENTAL ORGANOGRAM (FUNCTIONAL) APPENDIX 2A MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENTAL ORGANOGRAM (FUNCTIONAL) MCE Internal Audit MCD MPCU (MPO = Secretary) Social Sector Infrastructure Sector Financial Sector Environmental Sector Economic Sector Education, Youth & Sports Dept. SW & CD Dept. District Health Dept. Works Dept. Physical Planning Dept. Trade Industry & Tourism Dept. Agric Dept. Disaster Prevention Dept. Natural Resources Conservation Treasury Revenue Mobilization Education Section Sports Section SW Section CD Section DMOH Section R. Birth & Death Section Building section (Works & R. Housing) Water Section Feeder Roads Section T&CP Section P&G Section Coop Section Cottage Industry Section Fire Section NADMO Section Refugee Section Game & Wildlife Section Forestry Section Animal Health and Production Section Crop Services Section Agric Extension Section Agric Engineering Section Fisheries Section Youth Section Basic Education Unit Non-Formal Education Unit Library section Urban Roads Dept. Finance Dept. Transport Dept. Levies Internal Disaster Environ Health Central Administration Dept. 13 Depts. PAU (Public Affairs Unit) Admin, Plan & Budget Sectors Estate Logistics Procurement Administration HR Mgt. Store Records Tourism Section Planning Budget & Rating Food & Nutrition MIS
METROPOLITAN DEPARTMENTAL ORGANOGRAM (FUNCTIONAL) APPENDIX 3A METROPOLITAN DEPARTMENTAL ORGANOGRAM (FUNCTIONAL) MCE Internal Audit MCD MPCU (MPO = Secretary) Social Sector Infrastructure Sector Financial Sector Environmental Sector Economic Sector Education, Youth & Sports Dept. SW & CD Dept. District Health Dept. Works Dept. Physical Planning Dept. Trade, Industry &Tourism Dept. Agric Dept. Disaster Prevention Dept. Waste Mgt. Dept. Natural Resources Conservation Treasury Revenue Mobilization Education Section Sports Section SW Section CD Section DMOH Section R. Birth & Death Section Building section (Works & R. Housing) Water Section Feeder Roads Section T&CP Section P&G Section Coop Section Cottage Industry Section Fire Section NADMO Section Refugee Section Game & Wildlife Section Forestry Section Animal Health and Production Section Crop Services Section Agric Extension Section Agric Engineering Section Fisheries Section Youth Section Basic Education Unit Library section Urban Roads Dept. Finance Dept. Transport Dept. Budget & Rating Dept. Internal Disaster Environ Health Central Administration Dept. Legal Department 16 Depts. PAU (Public Affairs Unit) Admin, Plan. & Budget Sectors Estate, Loges Procurement Administration HR Mgt Store Records Tourism Section Planning Food & Nutrition MIS Non-Formal Education Unit
73 District Works Departments (DWD) and over 70 HRM units have been established; Additional 33 DWDs setup is on-going; Amended legislations on the L.I. Category II Departments: Ghana Library Board, Births and Deaths Registry, National Youth Council and National Sports Council on-going; Amendment of legislations on the L.I. Category II Departments: Town and Country Planning and the Department of Cooperatives are on-going;
Challenges Attitudinal / Bureaucratic Resistance to Change; (Lack of Change Mgt. Agent & Change Mgt. Action Plan) Slow pace of amalgamation of the L.I. 1961 Category I Departments of the MMDAs; Inadequate office and residential accommodation for MMDAs;
The transfer of the staff of the Departments of the District Assemblies from the Civil Service to the Local Government Service Symbolic transfer from Civil Service to LGS HR Audit & Identification of HR Gaps Selection of heads of departments for integrated departments (e.g., DWD, SWCD, etc.) Capacity Building programme HR Database Management
REPORTING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MMDA & THE STRUCTURES ABOVE THE MMDA LEVEL SUBJECT REPORT FROM REPORT THROUGH /BY REPORT TO COPY TO Administration and Finance (Internal) All HoDs Head of the Central Administration Department MMDCD Planning and Budget (Internal) MMDPO or MMDBO HR Management and Development MMDA MMDCE LGSS through the RCC. Inter-Service and Sectoral collaboration and cooperation LGSS through the RCC District development plans and the district development budget, NDPC through RPCU/RCC LGSS through RCC Local governance and decentralization policy, legislation and finance, including the district composite budget MLGRD, LGSS and MoFEP through RCC
CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION (MDAs to MMDAs) COMMU. FROM INTENDED FOR ADDRESSED TO COPY TO SUBJECT Heads of MDAs (the national and regional levels) Department (s) of the MMDAs MMDCE In all cases (major policy, operational and management issues For Example, relating to Social Welfare: Address to: The Metropolitan Chief Executive, Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Kumasi and copy to:- The Metropolitan Director, Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Kumasi All communication addressed by District Heads of Depts. to Regional and National Heads as well as members of the general public will be issued on the appropriate letterheads of the Assembly and will be signed over their departmental titles for the MMDCE.. For example, in the case of Social Welfare, the letterhead will read: Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, (Social Welfare Section), Kumasi and the communication will be signed by the Director for the MMDCE. For example: Mabel Sarpong, Director, Department of Social Welfare and Community Development For MMDCE
CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION - GENERAL (CONTINUED) SUBJECT FROM TO COPY TO Matters of general policy affecting all MMDAs MLGRD or LGSS MMDA (MMDCE) RCC Demand for reports: (statistical data and related information, communication etc) All matters (to enable the MMDCE harmonize the activities of De-concentrated Depts. Etc) state-owned organizations and MDAs De-concentrated Depts./ Non-decentralized Depts. (District Officer in charge of non-MMDA Departments ) MMDCE & RCC Responses from MMDA Minister of Local Government or / and the Head of LGS Quarterly reports Office of the President, the Minister of MLGRD and the LGSS
Administrative & Planning Procedures (Example) Fund Flow (Internal) Staff Attendance Book Quality Assurance & Control (QA & QC) Staff Movement Book M&E framework, etc. Vehicle Log Book Office Filing System STANDARDS Asset register Service Delivery standards Contract Register (if applicable) Performance Management System, etc. Record of Performance of Contractors / Consultants (if applicable) Cross-cutting issues (Gender, H.Rights, HIV/AIDA, Environmental, Climate Change, Safety, etc..) Plan & Reporting format M&E format, etc. HR MANAGEMENT All related technical standards HR Policy Protocols (SoS, CoS, Recruitment Guidelines, etc.) PLANNING, BUDGETING, REPORTING AND M&E Planning (MTDP & AAP/ Composite) Budgeting (Composite) Reporting (Progress & Financial)
Challenges Appointment of HoDs for the integrated district level Departments; Technical backstopping from Regional level
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1993 (ACT 462), SECTION 20: ROLE OF DISTRICT CHIEF EXECUTIVE (DCE) The DCE shall be the chairman of the Executive Committee (EC) of the District Assembly (DA) The DCE shall— preside at meetings of the EC of the DA and in his absence a member of the EC elected by the members present from among themselves shall preside; be the chief representative of the central Government in the district. The emoluments of a DCE shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund
Conclusion Based on Section 20 of LG Act 462, MMDCE be: responsible for the day-to-day performance of the executive and administrative functions of the Assembly; responsible for the supervision of the departments of the Assembly;