Math Teacher Leader Network January 2013
Annual ‘Quality Counts’ survey shows gains in transitions, alignment K-12 Achievement Standards, Assessments and Accountability Teaching Profession School Finance Transitions and Alignment Chance for Success (an index that combines information from 13 indicators that cover state residents’ lives from cradle to career) Kentucky Breaks into Top 10 in National Education Ranking
Findings No states received a grade of A in the 2013 edition of Quality Counts. The highest-ranking state was Maryland, with a B- plus. Three states received B grades; eight states (including Kentucky) received B-minus grades; and 19 states received C-plus grades.
Kentucky’s Scores & Rank KENTUCKYNATION KENTUCKY’S RANK NATIONWIDE Overall Score CC+B-CCC K-12 Achievement C- D+C Standards, Assessments & Accountability *n/aA- *n/aBB 20 Teaching Profession *n/aB- *n/aCC 55 School Finance C- CCC35 34 Transitions & Alignment B- AC+ B-14 4 Chance for Success CCCC *Quality Counts does not provide ratings on all of the six categories each year.
Commissioner’s Fast Five January 25, 2013
QUESTION OF THE WEEK Where can I get more information on the change to EOC constructed response mentioned in the Commissioner’s Fast Five on Friday, January 25?
The End-of-Course assessment model has a combined purpose, instruction and accountability. These areas have different needs that must be kept in balance within the program. To keep that balance, changes to the EOC model must be made. The QualityCore program offers many instructional resources. However, the constructed response items in the QualityCore assessment program were unable to add instructional value to the teaching and learning process. Therefore, constructed response items will shift from state administration to local administration. Shifting constructed response to a local administration will render much more instructional value, student motivation, and test security than can be provided at the state level. This change also means a school could move to computer based EOC testing that provides immediate results for final exams.
When The change will take effect beginning with the February 1 – March 15 test window. To support the implementation a video recording is linked below. The training will focus on Spring 2013 policy changes and test administration. Demand2013/QualityCore_ mp4
Contact for Information For questions, Division of Support and Research in the Office of Assessment and Accountability at (502) or
KDE Math Connections In order to be more responsive to the needs of Kentucky math educators, a mailbox has been created and is monitored by Frankfort-based math consultants. CIITS - “CIITS Item Issues Form.” This document can be found on the CIITS homepage. Users complete the form when an issue is found and send the form to
CIITS Material Review Process StateSchool District School “CIITS Instructional Resource Submission Process” on CIITS homepage
Materials submitted for state approval Be mindful when naming a file to be uploaded for state approval. Every user will see and have access to the file.
State Student Data in CIITS K-PREP have been loaded into CIITS EPAS scores from last year have been loaded into CIITS EPAS scores from fall will be loaded into CIITS
HS Open Source Resource (c) 2012 Utah Secondary One by Mathematics Vision Project and in partnership with the Utah State Office of Education is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.Mathematics Vision ProjectCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License MVP items by Mathematics Vision Project are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.Mathematics Vision ProjectCreative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Leadership ng/2013/01/five_essential_schoolwide_conditions_for_ common_core_achievement.html?cmp=SOC-SHR- TW ng/2013/01/five_essential_schoolwide_conditions_for_ common_core_achievement.html?cmp=SOC-SHR- TW Mathematics for-teachers/problems-of-the-month for-teachers/problems-of-the-month
problems similar to Dan Meyer – Matt Vaudrey is a middle school math teacher. The Mathematics Teaching Community u/ u/
Illustrative Mathematics Illustrative Mathematics Illustrative Mathematics Illustrative Mathematics now plays nice with search engines “You can, for example, google "illustrations for A-SSE" and get direct links to the tasks that illustrate Seeing Structure in Expressions in the Algebra category. Googling "illustrations for 2.MD" takes to the page in the illustration index which includes all the illustrations for 2.MD.” – Bill McCallum
KCM Conference 2013 KCM Conference "Reasoning for Readiness" February 25 and February 26, Lexington, KY!/page_home
Math Resources
What Works Clearinghouse Guides math_pg_ pdf math_pg_ pdf ons_pg_ pdf ons_pg_ pdf pg_ pdf pg_ pdf
NGSS - released generation-science-standards ss/files/Appendix%20K%20%E2%80%93 %20Connections%20to%20the%20Com mon%20Core%20State%20Standards%2 0for%20Mathematics%20- %20FINAL_0.pdf