Black Lung Clinic Program August 31 – September 2, 2009 Shelia Tibbs Program Coordinator
OVERVIEW Overview of BLCP Requirements
Program Purpose Provide treatment and rehabilitation for Black Lung Patients and others with occupationally related pulmonary diseases.
Program Goals Seek out and provide services to coal miners and occupationally exposed workers to minimize the effects of respiratory and pulmonary impairments Provide specific diagnostic and required treatment procedures for the management of problems associated with black lung disease that improve functional status.
Program Challenges Through efficient use of and coordination with existing State and local public and private resources: Develop a patient-oriented, integrated Expand capacity to perform examinations of miners seeking eligibility for benefits Educate patients and families members about pulmonary disease Provide high quality effective patient care with state of the art treatment protocols and pulmonary rehab programs
Definitions For the BLCP program it is not a precise medical term but includes any lung disease arising from coal mine employment, can be obstructive and/or restrictive.
Black Lung Disease Coal mine dust induced Disease with obstructive impairment Coal Mine Dust Induced Lung Interstitial Lung Disease Other Pneumoconiosis COPD Interstitial Lung Disease Asthma Other (lung cancer, reactive airways dysfunction)
Services Case Finding, Outreach and Marketing Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Patient Education Pulmonary Rehabilitation Quality Assurance
Black Lung Program Updates Increase in Appropriation FY 09 Upcoming Competitive Cycle JSI Contract National Coalition of Black Lung & Respiratory Disease Clinics Annual Conference Lexington, KY (Sept , 2009)
Contacts Shelia Tibbs – Program Coordinator or